[quote=Akernis][quote=Anne Auclair]
And correspondingly, to be equal is to be dead. If one is only equal when one is dead, then equality is death.
No, that’s a logical fallacy (non causa pro causa, to be exact). You are mistaking effect for causality. [/quote]
Oh dear, my political philosophy seems to have run ahead of my logic a bit. Sorry -_- And thanks for pointing that out.

Okay, with Equality in Death, equality waits until death, with no equality in life. Inherent is equality being either bad or impossible.

I think he does. He writes: All Could Rise, Most Shan’t. Equality in Death, Liberty in License.

Let’s take that statement apart.

  1. All Could Rise - Feducci’s vague plans to get rid of all restrictions on upward mobility.

  2. Most Shan’t - Self explanatory.

  3. Equality in Death - no equality, equality is bad, equality should wait until death.

  4. Liberty in License - being able to do whatever you want.

These are all fairly absolute principles.
edited by Anne Auclair on 7/4/2017

No, I’m now pretty sure that it’s supposed to be interpreted as ‘anyone, high or low, can be killed’.[/quote]
What? Why?

Here’s what he says while campaigning:

&quotI mean to even the odds. We can’t change everything about the game; The kings and queens of the game are ensconced, but what if we changed the rules? What if an urchin could rise to the same heights as a Governor’s son? And then - [fake coughing fit] What if he could lose all his fortune again in an hour? Out with the rules, the restrictions— And in with the bold, the daring, and the brazen.&quot

He’s clearly talking about rising the social ladder/climbing the chain.
edited by Anne Auclair on 7/4/2017

[quote=Nigel Overstreet]The trouble is that, after a week, most people have already gotten quite a few levels in their chosen career. The only way to switch candidates and not throw all that away is to spend Fate. Enough Fate to buy a unique story.
I don’t think there is much they can reveal which can get anyone to either give up all the actions they’ve spent or to give up real money.[/quote]
Yeah, this is unfortunate. Some might be okay with it, though, if just because building it back up over a week isn’t too terribly difficult. Or, I can at least hope.

[quote=Isaac Zienfried][quote=Nigel Overstreet]The trouble is that, after a week, most people have already gotten quite a few levels in their chosen career. The only way to switch candidates and not throw all that away is to spend Fate. Enough Fate to buy a unique story.
I don’t think there is much they can reveal which can get anyone to either give up all the actions they’ve spent or to give up real money.[/quote]
Yeah, this is unfortunate. Some might be okay with it, though, if just because building it back up over a week isn’t too terribly difficult. Or, I can at least hope.[/quote]
Also, isn’t the only reward having your votes given to X candidate? So, I mean, switching should be its own reward?
edited by Anne Auclair on 7/4/2017

[quote=Nigel Overstreet]OOC, I think this was an outstanding choice by FBG. Jenny was/is an incredibly popular candidate who got a vast majority of the vote. So, at the halfway point of this election, having her come out against the candidate who is winning and come out in favour of the candidate pulling up the rear is a great way to upend things and have people switch their choice.

The trouble is that, after a week, most people have already gotten quite a few levels in their chosen career. The only way to switch candidates and not throw all that away is to spend Fate. Enough Fate to buy a unique story.
I don’t think there is much they can reveal which can get anyone to either give up all the actions they’ve spent or to give up real money.[/quote]

You hit the nail on the head, for me.

I was expecting something like this around this point. I swore to vote for the most interesting candidate, and I’m sticking to my guns. My only regret is that Jenny won’t like it, because last year she was both the most interesting and the most sympathetic candidate. Well played, FBG. Well played.

I’m in too deep. May the best candidate win.[/li][li]
edited by Hattington on 7/4/2017

[quote=Anne Auclair]Also, isn’t the only reward having your votes given to X candidate? So, I mean, switching should be its own reward?[/quote]Last year you got some stuff. I don’t recall how profitable it was, but it wasn’t nothing.
I think the main reward is being able to say you did it; that you were the biggest, baddest Fixer/Campaigner/Agitator on the block who punched well above your weight.

I think you got the same reward regardless of career level?

[quote=Anne Auclair][quote=Gillsing]
No, I’m now pretty sure that it’s supposed to be interpreted as ‘anyone, high or low, can be killed’.[/quote]
What? Why? … He’s clearly talking about rising the social ladder/climbing the chain.[/quote]
Yes. Climbing by killing the people above. Isn’t that what he did in Hell, except for others to do the climbing while he did the killing? Currently that would be illegal, but with Feducci as Mayor he might aim to make it less so. Or maybe just create legal versions of his fighting rings and Black Ribbon duels, so others can do a little more killing? New version of Knife and Candle coming up?

Or something like this: An urchin can kill or be killed, just like a governor’s son can kill or be killed. That kind of equality. Though apparently the kings and queens are still untouchable, so at least on that point he agrees with Jenny.

Which is part of why I support the DTC so fervently. While there’s no solid evidence of this, I feel she’s the most likely to take on the Masters. Much of her character and her statements imply this. It’s the same reason I supported the Contrarian last time, because while I liked Jenny, I believed she would be too timid with our cloaked manipulators. I think time proved I was correct.
edited by Isaac Zienfried on 7/4/2017

My character initially backed Feducci due to recognition and due to the Campaigner accusing her of some scandal.

But in light of everything she is on the edge of jumping ship. If someone could convince her in game how the Anarchists are not a concern, and why wasting so much honey and wine is acceptable, the appropriate amounts of Fate could be spent.

The DTC already told off the Anarchists something fierce. She clearly isn’t taking lip from them.

As for the other issue: temperance isn’t prohibition. She is storing honey while figuring out just what to do with it, but there’s no guarantee it will be entirely disposed of. There are also hints that there are, ah, other purposes currently in store for all that dream-honey…

[quote=Anne Auclair]
Okay, with Equality in Death, equality waits until death, with no equality in life. Inherent is equality being either bad or impossible.

I think he does. He writes: All Could Rise, Most Shan’t. Equality in Death, Liberty in License.

Let’s take that statement apart.

  1. All Could Rise - Feducci’s vague plans to get rid of all restrictions on upward mobility.

  2. Most Shan’t - Self explanatory.

  3. Equality in Death - no equality, equality is bad, equality should wait until death.

  4. Liberty in License - being able to do whatever you want.

These are all fairly absolute principles.
edited by Anne Auclair on 7/4/2017[/quote]

I must disagree with at least some of your reasoning. Feducci, based on the writings available, isn’t saying equality in life is bad, only that equality in death is inevitable. There is no better version of dead. Death is, as they say, the great equalizer.

As for the &quotAll Could Rise&quot statement, there is less of a policy proposal and more of a basic statement of fact in this line: It is at least theoretically possible for ANYONE to succeed and advance in Feducci’s worldview (and, one would assume, the player worldview, since time and effort spent in the Neath are rewarded with prominence, skill, wealth, and influence).

&quotMost Shan’t&quot deals less with an outside force holding back one from a risen state. Rather, I believe the line implies that a lack of motivation, boldness, and clever preparation keep the low in their current place. Even the Campaigner must see her efforts wasted on the occasional backslider. Even the Detective knows recidivism runs high amongst Criminals. But the only bounds on one’s opportunities should be of their own making. We cannot hold you back. But you may.

I believe I’ve already addressed the third portion on this statement with a radically different viewpoint, so finally on to the forth, &quotLiberty in License.&quot Here, at last, we find common ground. &quotBeing able to do whatever you want&quot states the case a bit…provocatively, but it gets the point across. To refine that point with some other Feducci sentiments, a citizen should be able to do what they wish. And then accept the consequences of those actions. One has the authority (or &quotLicense&quot, if you will) to do as they please, but also have authority over the results. Make a large wager on dubious trade deals? Reap the monetary benefits of their success. Gamble your title on a horserace? Hand it over when you lose. Graciously.

Feducci wants the citizenry to take whatever action they can personally justify in order to advance. And to accept the results of those actions, come what may. He also realizes that many won’t take this opportunity, or will do so and fail. He isn’t promising a honey-dream utopia of Society women clasped arm-in-arm with reformed Bohemians, nor a crushing law-and-order totalitarian regime ruled by coldly logical Constables. He’s giving everyone the CHANCE to rise, not the guarantee. And making no secret of the fact that not everyone can win. But everyone should have the equal opportunity to do so.


It depends on the bribe! She’s relatively wealthy most of the time, and largely seeks excitement and new things - her favorite thing to gamble with is her life. Reputation and other things? Not so much so. But a good bribe with the proper words might do the trick.

[quote=Blaine Davidson]My character initially backed Feducci due to recognition and due to the Campaigner accusing her of some scandal.

But in light of everything she is on the edge of jumping ship. If someone could convince her in game how the Anarchists are not a concern, and why wasting so much honey and wine is acceptable, the appropriate amounts of Fate could be spent.[/quote]
I sent you some RP about the anarchists via a two part letter. I rather liked it, so I’m posting it here as well. Though on this thread it should be read for the argument, not the RP.

Anne pays you a visit, though unusually she has a teapot in lieu of her ubiquitous pamphlets.

“I understand you have some concerns about the anarchists seen lurking around the Campaigner’s campaign. I can assure you that all those who are loyal to the Council are doing nothing, nothing but lurking, impotently and fearfully. The Campaigner has the Calendar Council badly frightened you see, because she is a student of March, whose real name was John Cassell. Cassell believed in temperance and gradual reform to better the life of the working class. The Council assassinated March because the prospect of his popular success was an obstacle and threat to their nihilistic plans – you know what those are, of course. But March’s ideas did not die with him and the Campaigner has been putting them into practice her entire life.

“Some of the Council sent agents to intimidate her (sounds like February’s work), but the Campaigner shut them up right quick: “You think I’d ever forget John? I campaign against all injustice, great and small. Now go!&quot And they went, and now the Council is quacking in their committee rooms and bolt-holes at the prospect of her success. We can fight the Masters and the Powers That Be without blowing it all up! Imagine that! Nothing fuels the extremist like the hopelessness of reforming the world as is and nothing deflates them like real and successful reform. That’s why they strangled the Contrarian’s campaign last year. If Feducci were to win, all his promises would sour…and then what would happen? The Council’s power would grow.

“You will find no stronger opponent of the Liberation than me. Would you like to have some tea?”
edited by Anne Auclair on 7/4/2017

Feducci’s platform seems to be to remove or at least subvert governmental restrictions to social mobility (for instance, inherited titles and privileges.) Impediments to social mobility that don’t result directly from government policy - differences in wealth and circumstance, and what have you - would be largely unaffected. Essentially, a classic policy of deregulation. The Campaigner, by contrast, is an ardent regulator, willing to use the apparatus of government to restrict the operations of the wealthy and powerful and provide opportunities for the poor and needy.

[quote=Anne Auclair]I think you got the same reward regardless of career level?[/quote]As I recall you got one thing based on your Career level and another thing based on your Notability. This year, I imagine, you’ll get something based on your ItE.

I don’t think so. I remember it being the same reward across the board. Some people really hated that.

There was a reward last year?

Last year your candidate gave you some medium level and minor items: A Favor in High Places, a Sworn Statement, and Journals of Infamy. Only the most minor of the rewards, the Journal’s of Infamy, was tied in any way to career level. Said reward didn’t nearly cover the costs of actually campaigning and this really annoyed some people.
EDIT: Inserted correct information.
edited by Anne Auclair on 7/4/2017

[quote=Anne Auclair][quote=Blaine Davidson]My character initially backed Feducci due to recognition and due to the Campaigner accusing her of some scandal.

But in light of everything she is on the edge of jumping ship. If someone could convince her in game how the Anarchists are not a concern, and why wasting so much honey and wine is acceptable, the appropriate amounts of Fate could be spent.[/quote]
I sent you some RP about the anarchists via a two part letter. I rather liked it, so I’m posting it here as well. Though on this thread it should be read for the argument, not the RP.

Anne pays you a visit, though unusually she has a teapot in lieu of her ubiquitous pamphlets.

“I understand you have some concerns about the anarchists seen lurking around the Campaigner’s campaign. I can assure you that all those who are loyal to the Council are doing nothing, nothing but lurking, impotently and fearfully. The Campaigner has the Calendar Council badly frightened you see, because she is a student of March, whose real name was John Cassell. Cassell believed in temperance and gradual reform to better the life of the working class. The Council assassinated March because the prospect of his popular success was an obstacle and threat to their nihilistic plans – you know what those are, of course. But March’s ideas did not die with him and the Campaigner has been putting them into practice her entire life.

“Some of the Council sent agents to intimidate her (sounds like February’s work), but the Campaigner shut them up right quick: “You think I’d ever forget John? I campaign against all injustice, great and small. Now go!&quot And they went, and now the Council is quacking in their committee rooms and bolt-holes at the prospect of her success. We can fight the Masters and the Powers That Be without blowing it all up! Imagine that! Nothing fuels the extremist like the hopelessness of reforming the world as is and nothing deflates them like real and successful reform. That’s why they strangled the Contrarian’s campaign last year. If Feducci were to win, all his promises would sour…and then what would happen? The Council’s power would grow.

“You will find no stronger opponent of the Liberation than me. Would you like to have some tea?”
edited by Anne Auclair on 7/4/2017[/quote]

I have replied but I will share my response here as well:

Ms. Davidson gingerly takes a cup of the offered tea before speaking. &quotThat’s one concern down, to say the least. You must forgive me for being ignorant with regards to any activities regarding Anarchists. I abhor them.&quot

She gently sips and continues, &quotBut my other concerns with the wasted wine and honey still stands. Does she truly believe that the rest of London will stop imbibing? And the stories of this&quot honey well&quot are disconcerting and best. To be honest, the Campaigner seems a touch naive with no end goal in sight.&quot

&quotThe Bishop had my full support last year and I’d like to be on a winning side this time around. I just don’t know if she has what it takes to be victorious. I am just one woman after all. Even with all the work I’ve done would it be enough to sway the odds?&quot

An empty cup is set down. With her hands neatly folded across her lap, Blaine Davidson awaits your response.
edited by Blaine Davidson on 7/4/2017