Since we can now go both NORTH and South:

Could someone humor me as to when the paths leading EAST and West will be made clear?

Well, the Boatman will be happy to take you West any time you fancy, but I can’t recommend the trip…

…I was about to clarify that I ment behind a certain machine, but now I realize that we can’t actually sail around the gate and over the north.

Shame, because I am still waiting for the day when I might get to scale a particular pair of towers, see a particular castle, and then head east after learning a special song in a special place.

I’m more interested in when we can go Down (Zubmarine) or Up (Dirigible).

Can’t you go down through Penstock’s Wicket?

I’ve been wondering since I started: Is there any Dawn Machine content in Fallen London? It was sun of my favorite pieces of Sunless Sea lore, and I really want to encosunter it in Fallen Sunndon sunhow.

South? Well, we can go to the Carnelian Coast and the Iron Republic. Not quite to the Mountain of Light, though.

You can go north beyond Avid Horizon by navigating through the thick barrier of icebergs, but you just kinda go insane, get lost, and find yourself back south (It warped me to frostfound with only a handful of fuel and supplies, all the way in the Northeast corner when I still had the tramp steamer).

(At first I was like “Oh, aegisaglow had made a typo”, and then I kept reading… +1 for you, Aegis. ^_^ )

well you do get the ability to take a trip to Apis Meet whenever, as well as a one time trip past Apis Meet through thru the Flint story.

Which is not a spoiler since it is heavily inplyed on the fate page.

Thats Sunless Sea; I ment within fallen london.

I think that if Fallen London’s zee destinations get too broad it risks stealing the thunder of Sunless Sea a little. Why do we need an option to go East when there’s already one in Sunless Sea? Besides, it would destroy your character irreparably, probably, and I imagine Failbetter want to avoid such things outside the heavily warning-labelled Mr Eaten content.

I don’t think there’s a huge risk of the games detracting from each other, just by visiting the same locations. If they told the exact same stories that would be redundant, but having two different stories set on the same island just builds out the location more. The experiences of visiting Venderbight, Mutton Island, Hunter’s Keep, Polythreme, Iron Republic, don’t feel at all the same across SS and FL.

It does make sense to mostly keep the radically world-changing or character killing stories in Sunless Sea though, since each game of Sunless Sea is a temporary instance and Fallen London is ongoing. The way FL handles your character’s ultimate end is by giving them a destiny, so you know your fate without it ending your game. It’s possible though to have FL stories that provide lore about things you character can’t do themselves. For instance, you could meet someone obsessed with traveling east and help/hinder them on their journey, and that story could then unlock a new destiny related to traveling east.

[quote=JimmyTMalice]I think that if Fallen London’s zee destinations get too broad it risks stealing the thunder of Sunless Sea a little. Why do we need an option to go East when there’s already one in Sunless Sea? Besides, it would destroy your character irreparably, probably, and I imagine Failbetter want to avoid such things outside the heavily warning-labelled Mr Eaten content.[/quote
Because I would die to have the ability to do more interaction with the east then as an end to the game. Imagine what could be living over there. What we might find. What we could do.

I mean, we can technically go a little south, but that’s like going to an airport in moscow and saying you’ve seen all of Russia. The Elder Continent is a big big place. The East is also big, but by my understanding mostly empty as well, which is unfortunate. West is where we should be going with the Good Ol Bishop one day (Hell, I mean).[li]

I’d rather not, I don’t really have the fondness for bees that’s necessary for something like that.
edited by Infinity Simulacrum on 7/15/2016

Glad it finally dawned on you. :)

LOL for this bright typo. As far as I know there is not much Dawn Machine related content in Fallen London, except some fate-locked stories. The Wry Functionary and the Last Dog Society, specifically. And there is a weak connection in the fate-locked choice of Salon.

Glad it finally dawned on you. :)[/quote]





LOL for this bright typo. As far as I know there is not much Dawn Machine related content in Fallen London, except some fate-locked stories. The Wry Functionary and the Last Dog Society, specifically. And there is a weak connection in the fate-locked choice of Salon.[/quote]
Seriously? one was funny, two was funny. four is just pushing the joke further than is funny. the only reason you’ve been getting such a good reception is because sunhow most people missed at least one of these, I think.