Should I unlock Flute Street or Rubbery Murder?

I have been saving a bit of fate/nex, currently have 17, and I am not sure if y should save more and unlock flute street, or wait for a bit more and unlock the rubbery murders storyline. Take in mind that what I want is more lore, so which of those options provides more lore/info on the rubbery man, or whatever they give info on? Thank you for your time. Also, I am aware that I still don’t have enough fate/nex

Flute Street will by far give you more Rubbery Lore.

Rubbery murder story was very disappointing for its price, but flute street was much better in its uniqueness and idea. Especially about “their” attitude toward us and themselve… only problem of flute street is boring grinding part.
PS: what is “stone pigs”, anyway? it seems very important, but I can’t completely understand it…

I think stone pigs are giant things sleeping beneath the Neath. They have to be drugged every year so they won’t wake up and wreck stuff.

Easy choice. Flute street is awesome, rubbery murders kinda a ripoff.

Thank guys. Now, how much did flute street cost, 25 fate? And where did I unlock it again? Thank you, once again for your time

Yep, 25 Fate. After finishing up the University storyline you can start Solving Cases around London. At the end of this you’ll eventually get an opportunity card to buy access into Flute Street.

Ahhh thanks once again :)

What Sara said, but also the Capering Relicker is hiding under ‘their snouts’, with ‘their’ referring to the Masters.

True, but worth pointing out is that bats also have snouts…

(I’d enjoy Rubbery Murders more if I could replay it, or at least learn a little more about what went on! As it stands, it plays out a little like an unsuccessful Fallen London spin-off TV series.)

True, but one could also say that ‘snout’ means a police informer, rendering both of our arguments equally moot.

I’d also throw my hat into the Flute Street ring. I was a bit disappointed with the Rubbery Murders, but I enjoyed Flute Street. Like Tommy said though, the grind is a bit boring. I spent a while there trying to be successful at every End of the Day option.

I never failed any of the end of day options, and I STILL spent a while there. I didn’t spend the 100 fate, though. Wasn’t sure if I’d enjoy it.

Imagine how it felt to fail three of them, at around seventy percent chances… It annoys me how it seemed to be such a slog for such delicious content, but I would say it was worth it in the end. Much better than Rubbery Murders, at the very least.

I still go back there from time to time, either for a replacement pet or other things. I don’t know the numbers on grinding there, but I find it fun from time to time.

At Zee, an opportunity card that unlocks at troubled waters 10 is &quotThe Stone Pigs’ Cough.&quot Basically, the Stone Pigs seem to be volcanoes, or volcanoes contain the Stone Pigs. Perhaps, considering Fallen London’s more supernatural history, they are related in some way to Vulcan?

I never shelled out the Fate to play the Rubbery Murders story, but I agree with the commenters who’ve remarked on it that the Flute Street storyline is awesome! It’s significant in size, has at least two unique items associated with it, and once you’ve played it through Flute Street becomes a location for you that you can enter again and again.

Well… This 2 year old thread was necro bumped… Since it is here already, I’ll put in my 2 cents.

Flute Street is superior, because of the new, returnable area, useful grinds, and tie in to Labyrinth of Tigers to get the best BDR companion in the game. The lore is fascinating, too.

[quote=th8827]Well… This 2 year old thread was necro bumped… Since it is here already, I’ll put in my 2 cents.

Flute Street is superior, because of the new, returnable area, useful grinds, and tie in to Labyrinth of Tigers to get the best BDR companion in the game. The lore is fascinating, too.[/quote]
Pretty sure the labyrinth tie in is tied with the far fate-cheaper companion of the ubergoat. I suppose i could be delusional, though.

It’s certainly easier to get the Flute street + labyrinth BDR companion than an ubergoat, though the ubergoat would probably permanantly replace the [fate-locked] as preferable equipment.
edited by Grenem on 2/29/2016

Ah, that’s one interpretation, yes, if you’re going from that one card in particular. However playing through Sunless Sea, in particular the storyline of the Tireless Mechanic, gives a rather different picture on the whole thing. It is, however, full of spoilers which may have a risk of popping brains. It did that to me, for a start. Rather messy cleanup. I can PM you them if you want though, but I’m not sure how much you understand about WHAT the Bazaar is.