My main had one and just got stolen. I was too lazy to try to get it back. x’)

Has anyone echoed the result of the second option in “The man on the doorstep” storylet? I chose the first option and echoed the result, but I’m really curious about it.

I’d quite like to know this too, actually!

Let’s see if this works:

Now that I think about it, I had two different choices in my epilogue than you did! If you go backward through the chain, you can see that I made a different choice at the four-choice climax, so my encounter with the Diffident Gentleman on the doorstep was very different.

I love this game.
edited by Nepeta on 9/3/2015

I think perhaps you’re looking for this one, which branches off from “the man on the doorstep”:

If memory serves, there was an option to help the poor chap find somewhere more comfortable to stay, just as one can do for the assassin in the other ending. Has anyone taken that one?


Thank you! Aw, that is sweet, and rather sad. Definitely going to go for that one when we can fate-reset. Plus, he’ll be my neighbour - I can keep an eye on his recovery.


Thanks, that’s the one! Seeing that, I have to say that I’m quite satisfied with my choice. The diffident gentleman didn’t seem all that far gone in my choice - he is aware of what happened and appears to be recovering quite well on his own. I never quite trusted the manager, and his mention of a room that goes all the way upstairs makes me think that he’ll enable the poor chap’s delusions rather than treat them.

I was kind of hoping I could use some of my sunlight in a box to change my Dark Carapaced Crustacean into a Gilded Crustacean.
Maybe in a future sotrylet?

I loved this month’s exceptional story! I just completed it and feel filled with regret and something bittersweet (perhaps that is just the moonlight)… which is I think how it should be. The story made me make some difficult choices and think hard, character-wise.
I’m still not sure that I did the “right” thing. I had a terrible weakness for the Graduate.
I do rather regret escorting the gentleman away and not, perhaps, leaving the door ajar but I felt protective of the Graduate, whether he deserved it or not.

I found this story more engaging than the Last Dog Society - just barely below July and probably on par with the Marsh House.

Quite lovely, atmospheric, and it put me in a moral quandary. What more could I ask for?

Is it still possible to purchase sunlight-filled boxes after finishing the story?

Yep! The option is on either the Society card or the Criminals card depending on your choice. All choices allow you to continue purchasing boxes.

So I’ve finally started this story, since I didn’t have much time this month and tomorrow the new story is due!

Quick question about the beginning of the content:

I did the non-Fate starter storylet and then after that I did the House of Chimes “An Affray in the House of Chimes!”, which unlocked the story. This unlocked a universal “Following the Blithe Graduate”. But looking at some journals it appears there is another fragment in between called “An Encounter at the Augustus Suite”, which I don’t think I had.

Did I simply overlook it? Or is it an option with a special unlock? Quite a few people have it in their journal so I guess it’s not something rare…

I think it just depends in what starting option you took

I accidentally let the assassin in through the front door at the end, because at the time I wasn’t really sure what the option did. In hindsight, the image of a gun should’ve tipped me off, but too late for that now. For a while I was really worried I’d locked myself out of all sources of sunlight, but it seems the Society opportunity card allows me to buy new sunlight-filled boxes regardless.
Still, for story purposes I’m a bit sad about my misclick, and there’s no hope for a reset :(

[color=#ff9900]That’s right - we didn’t want to create the impression that there’s &quotright&quot and &quotwrong&quot endings, so all grant you an option to buy more boxes. Which ending you chose determines which card the branch is on, though.[/color][/quote]

I’m particularly glad to hear that! I had to pause my Exceptional Friendship due to financial concerns, and came into this one just before it ticked over to the next month’s story, and I’m glad to hear that I don’t have to fear missing out on anything due to picking a less-than-optimal storylet option. :-D

[spoiler]Incidentally, while I’m here - I’m at the point where I’m up to An Offer from the Blithe Graduate, where he’s pushed an unopened mirrorcatch box across the table. I’m assuming it’s a Sun-Stamped Mirrorcatch box (?)
As we now have future access to more of that item, does anyone know if it will make a difference as to which option I pick here?

Edit: I took it. It was a box’o’light, that gets used straightaway rather than having anything go to your inventory. Unless refusing it had fancy narrative, the decision wasn’t as important as I thought it had been… :-)[/spoiler]
edited by Kittenpox on 9/28/2015

[quote=Theminimanx]I accidentally let the assassin in through the front door at the end, because at the time I wasn’t really sure what the option did. In hindsight, the image of a gun should’ve tipped me off, but too late for that now. For a while I was really worried I’d locked myself out of all sources of sunlight, but it seems the Society opportunity card allows me to buy new sunlight-filled boxes regardless.
Still, for story purposes I’m a bit sad about my misclick, and there’s no hope for a reset :([/quote]
In 3-4 months you will be able to pay Fate to reset the story.

This is my echo for betraying to Bruiser:

One of RandomWalker’s profiles has the Constables option, I think

I finally bought this story (for my character Cortez) and just finished playing through it. Out of curiosity, could someone point me to an echo for “blackmailing the Blind Bruiser”? I’d be very interested to learn more about his motivations, he kinda seemed to have his own agenda in this story…

Also, thoroughly enjoyed it! Great story, absolutely recommended.