September Exceptional Story: Damp Martyrs

Judging by the patch notes, it appears to be new.

Is this a Fate-only Exceptional Story? I remember the previous ones, the Exceptional Story would appear and you were presented with a binary choice. Advancing further would require Fate.

But I don’t see this one appearing anywhere at all.

It’s a regular exceptional story. If your subscription is active it should appear everywhere in London

[quote=fishandchips]Is this a Fate-only Exceptional Story? I remember the previous ones, the Exceptional Story would appear and you were presented with a binary choice. Advancing further would require Fate.

But I don’t see this one appearing anywhere at all.[/quote]

I am fairly sure my non-Fate ambition alts had the mini-storylet that non-Fate players get, with the two choices that usually gives you a low-grade item or two for taking part. Can’t remember anything about it, though.

Still kinda disappointed that those little storylets are entirely unavailable to Exceptional Friends unless you use alts.

Barging in here only few days later: at least those stories aren’t Fate locked and can easily be found on Wiki and Google. :)

After all, we want the text for all possible actions!

EDIT: Hmmm, it does take some time before those pages are indexed if anyone recorded them. :(
edited by Skinnyman on 9/13/2021

I know this is old but I just got around to this story and I’m so glad I did. The action moved along. The lore about the cult is good and the people are allowed to be complex. I felt like my PC had some agency and I didn’t feel railroaded. And even though the game clued me in to what the “best” ending was, I chose another ending and was quite happy with it. Thanks for a great story, FBG!