Thanks; I’ve sent you both PMs.
Just released two new story lines:
The first is really aimed at new characters, but will play fine for everyone (some of the copy might just seem a little off). The second is only for fighters, but there will be temperament-specific stories for all characters before too long.
This is my inspiration board for when I’m working on the game, if anyone’s interested:
It’s definitely not the case that everything in here is directly relevant (definitely no flying cars!), but it sets the mood.
Just one thing on the update for today, although it’s big-ish: you can now work with your Projects crew. This has been ages coming, and includes some different options than for your other crews (including a romance opportunity for straight females, finally).
Zane is still coming on strong!
I’d like to take a look!
Thanks; I’ve sent you a PM.
I’m curious about this. Can I have an invitation?
Sure, more testers are always welcome! I’ll send you a PM.
Just one new card this week – Masked up in the slums. Zane is still drawing closer…
This sounds interesting, what information do I need to give you in order to sign up?
I’ll send you a PM…
Zane, finally, cometh:
This is a pretty large update, but it’s probably only got about two thirds of everything I wanted to put in it. I just figured I had to get it out or I was going to lose the plot; the rest will come later. This is mostly stuff for people who sided with Zane during Pimps & Prostitutes (or haven’t got there yet), but there is some stuff for people who offed him at that point. Many thanks for tester Silver Priest for helping out with ideas for this update.
In other news, I finally, finally, finally figured out a fix for the broken image bug in the quality change area and have been working on that. It has to be implemented one source image at a time (and there are only 615 custom images in the game :p), but it’s looking better already.
And speaking of numbers, we’re now on well over 1,400 storylets and 1,700 qualities in the game. New testers always welcome, of course!
edited by cyberpunkdreams on 10/17/2016
Sorted out a bunch of small things over the weekend, and added a tiny bit more content. There’s a new smaller but long-awaited storyline well on the way.
Got another update:
This has been a very, very, very long time coming, but you can now hunt down the forgers and get that border pass from them, if you chose that option early on. If you didn’t, you will be able to hunt them, but only once you’re much further in (you were warned at the time!) This update also includes the very first vehicle-based dynamic scene in the game. There will be more from the forgers soon as well.
I would like to test this game.
Thanks. I’ll send you a PM.
Another week, another update. I thought I’d put the changelog here for a change. There’s a bunch more stuff to do for the new content for the forgers (you can meet them now, but not much more) and then it’ll be back to Zane.
[ul][li]You now get Hanging around at the gym if you work out there often enough. This replaces the old area for transactions at the gym and works just other randomised opportunities.[/li][li]Gym sessions now acts as a frequency measure rather than a simple count, so you have to keep your sessions up to keep your kudos up.[/li][li]You can now make and work with logistics teams and murder squads in the Projects.[/li][li]You can now deploy murder squads in the Projects.[/li][li]There’s a minor tweak to the hard target mechanic.[/li][li]There’s now a large chunk of extra content for if you fail the intro mission that the Cinci Forgers give you.[/li][li]One new weapon, but it’s rare.
[/li][li]The order of the various help and teams in the inventory has been changed to be a bit more logical.
[/li][li]The amount used when topping up your funds when Working the trade now scales with the number of junk dealing contracts you have. (Just so you have to use that option less often.)
[/li][li]Made some minor bug fixes. Thanks for the reports.[/li][/ul]
Just a small release this week – stuff to do with drones (because this kind of future is blatantly going to have drones in it, right?) The new content for Cinci Forgers is almost ready too.
Are you still looking for testers? I’m a big fan of cyberpunk!
Sure, there’s always room for just one more tester! I’ll send you a PM.