Second-round Playtesting: Evolve

Thanks for letting me know about the fact that it’s still dropping you to zero. I’ve been trying to make sure every card is set to no longer do that, so I’ve gone through each of them again. I think…think it should be ok now. But, if you (or anyone) finds a card that doesn’t limit the trait dropping below zero, let me know!

Oh, well, I’ll see where your plans lead the game :)

My, I haven’t found glycolysis card yet, though I have an evolutionary conflict with that and photosynthesis.
Mainly: for what I’ve known, there are some major changes in organisms that have branched the evolitionary tree.
The formation of a nucleus to keep DNA safely stored is one of them.
For all I know, photosynthesis runs the same way.

Now, please correct me if I’m wrong or if you’re taking another route, but here goes my story:
First cells had a basic anaerobic metabolism.
Then, some cells changed to transform CO2 into O2 with the help of sunlight.
Then, as O2 levels rose, other cells changed to be able to process that O2 and obtain lots more energy than before.
And from there, all three kinds of cells just went their different paths.

Do you plan tu have all cells pass through photosynthesis and then shift into oxidatory metabolism? Or will there be a split into the game that early?

PS: Oh, when I commented on Replicate card, issue wasn’t really about being able to discard the card or not, but about the “spend something, gain nothing” situation. I already have 20 Population, Replicate keeps on popping out even though it can’t be dropped, it eats away my Energy Reserves, and it gives me nothing back (you know, population capped…). So, the card either drives me energy-less or sits there, filling a card-slot.

~ Puntox
edited by Puntosmx on 9/8/2012

Ok, well. Much as I’m generally mistrusting of wikipedia, I figure it doesn’t hurt to share the references I’m using. I try to find multiple sources for the information I use here, but so far the easiest way to look at things in a linear progression has been this:

The way this describes the timeline is essentially:

Prokaryotes/bacteria appear (somehow)
They start using inorganic materials to produce energy, and later evolve the ability to use organic materials (glycolysis)
Archaeans branch off from the prokaryotes, presumably in multiple small populations depending on what extreme habitat they’re isolated in
Photosynthesis evolves, produces massive amounts of oxygen, and causes a mass extinction event
Up to 700 million years later, eukaryotes appear in large numbers

Players will have the option to evolve photosynthesis before oxidatory metabolism, but those will be two distinct paths and that will be explained, like it was for the archaean path. The photosynthesis path will eventually let people evolve into plants, the aerobic metabolism path into animals. Fungi will slip in there as well, separate from those paths.

From what both of us have described, I’m not sure where your issue with glycolysis and photosynthesis together is? If you can explain that more, I’m happy to keep discussing it.

I’ve also now set a MUST card to take anyone that’s gone through the Mutation storyline to a new area before the next content drop. That will prevent any further use of materials or frustration going through the limited opportunity cards over and over again with little gain.

However, Puntox it sounds like you have an issue even before that. You haven’t evolved glycolysis yet? Can I ask what your Adaptability score is?

AHA! I have discovered a major error in Evolve, that locked the content update I had made weeks ago. That explains quite a bit of confusion I had on my side about people not being able to make progress as intended. So, apologies for that!

I’ve done some additional upgrades to released content, just cleaning up text, images, and how some qualities link together. Hopefully it’s a little more coherent now, though I definitely still have plans for more opportunity cards to spice things up.

Thanks again to everyone who’s play tested!

Now that we’ve turned monetization on, worlds like this one that have playtesting threads can request if they’re ready.

You can work out whether a world is ready for monetizing here:

I would be delighted to have monetization turned on please! I won’t have Nex content for a bit, but I figure if people are that interested in getting an actions refresh, I wouldn’t say no… ;-)

To players, I’m very intrigued by the new ability to “like” a storyline, because I’ve experimented with a few different methods of constructing experiences in Evolve. While they won’t be the only determining factor, I would greatly appreciate getting “likes” on story formats that you particularly enjoyed. It will help determine which methods I keep, which I modify, and which I dump altogether (potentially).

Thank you to FBGs and of course to the players!

Congratulations with the competition =)
Found a typo: resou[color=#00ff33]r[/color]cefulness quality being called resoucefulness. Not sure how easy/hard it’s to change it though.
edited by Aximillio on 10/22/2012

[quote=Aximillio]Congratulations with the competition =)
Found a typo: resou[color=#00ff33]r[/color]cefulness quality being called resoucefulness. Not sure how easy/hard it’s to change it though.

Thanks muchly, Aximillo! And yikes, that typo went through so much playtesting and review…I really appreciate you catching it. Fixed now. :-)

I’ve just played through your game and want to let you know that I greatly enjoyed it and can hardly wait for more! :)

I’m very glad you enjoyed it! I’ll be working this weekend on the next set of content for non-archaeans. The archaean path is going to take a little longer, but I’m probably going to make that available as nex-locked content for people who didn’t outright choose that for their primary creature.

Thanks for playing!

I’m delighted to confirm that we’ve turned on monetization for Evolve. Splendid!

Cell Walls card, 2nd paragraph: “Your cell cells are most likely made of peptidoglycan,” guessing that 2nd “cells” should be “walls”

Congratulations on being a World of the Season! I just tried playing it a couple of days ago for the first time. Very nice work!

Thanks for the correction Dac! I’ve fixed it now.

Glad you gave it a try Genny, and I hope you enjoyed it! And thanks. :-)

I have an item called [color=#99ffcc]"Completed: Self-Knowledge : Completed: Self-Knowledge"[/color] to signify I’ve beaten the test, but why does it repeat itself? (And why is it an item rather than quality?)

Ah, yes, I know what the formatting mistake there is. I did it wrong for a while, and thought I had corrected them all. Thanks for catching this one!

It is a Thing, and that may be a design mistake on my end, but it’s the way I’m doing it right now. This game will get severely bogged down with qualities as organisms become more complicated. The “resources” list shouldn’t grow nearly as complicated though, and so I decided to make the Storyline Badges into items. I went back and forth on that for a long time, and am not convinced it was the perfect choice. Mostly, it’s an issue of the badges being a treat for the player, when everything else is a description of the organism. Maybe they weren’t necessary at all, but I liked providing some sort of indication of progress across stories.

Anyway…that’s a brief explanation of my thinking in this case. It’s a good question, though, and one I had to consider at length.

[quote=Caitydid]Ah, yes, I know what the formatting mistake there is. I did it wrong for a while, and thought I had corrected them all. Thanks for catching this one!

It is a Thing, and that may be a design mistake on my end, but it’s the way I’m doing it right now. This game will get severely bogged down with qualities as organisms become more complicated. The “resources” list shouldn’t grow nearly as complicated though, and so I decided to make the Storyline Badges into items. I went back and forth on that for a long time, and am not convinced it was the perfect choice. Mostly, it’s an issue of the badges being a treat for the player, when everything else is a description of the organism. Maybe they weren’t necessary at all, but I liked providing some sort of indication of progress across stories.

Anyway…that’s a brief explanation of my thinking in this case. It’s a good question, though, and one I had to consider at length.[/quote]

Ah, I understand. Would it be possible to name it e.g. Completed: Self-Knowledge Badge (or simply Self-Knowledge badge) instead? I don’t mind the fact it’s an item, but I find it sufficient to mention it once, sort of…

Oh, definitely! I plan to fix it when I get home today. Thanks again for pointing it out. :-)

Alright, So I played through to the content barrier, then restarted and went right up to it and ground up as much as I could. So, right now, I’m sitting at 10 defenses/adaptability/resourcefulness as well as 5 progress. I’ve collected 1600 inorganic materials, 40 energy reserves, and 10 organic materials (I kept going until they were all an even number). I saw that you didn’t want people to be able to get that many energy reserves in an earlier post, but players can currently gain more by choosing the “Process materials more efficiently” solution to the “Competition” card. Also, with there being only 1 Defenses increasing card, it took way longer than the other two stats, but that may be intended. You could add a couple for other threats, like viruses or temporary extreme conditions (High acidity, salt, alkalinity) though those may be better suited for adaptability.

I also noticed that by getting to 9 population, and using the “Multiple fission” option, you can get to 11. Maybe gray that option out of they’re at 9 or higher. I also recommend making it so that the max values for everything are posted in the cards that affect them, or with the stats themselves. Also, there is only one real card that reduces population, and its only usable when you have harmful mutations. I think you should add some very difficult effects to some of the cards (for each stat) which require a certain population, but will cause you to lose population if it fails. Of course, there should be a warning for in the text.

Hello folks! Sorry for the rather deafening radio silence these last few months. I still exist, though I started a new job the first week of December that’s needed my almost undivided attention.

I’m hoping to spend some time on the second installment of Evolve (and cleaning up the first part) as soon as possible. I’ve received many kind messages encouraging me to keep writing, and I deeply appreciate each one of them. Today, someone suggested that I set up a mailing list so that people don’t have to check the site every day for updates; of course that’s a lovely idea!

If you’d like to receive an e-mail update when Evolve has new content, please visit this url and I’ll let you know when there’s more to play!
edited by Caitydid on 1/25/2013