Season of Wrecks: Item Trade-In

My character did. He was downright appalled at the way the Bluejacket treated the poor creature. In fact, he was outright resentful toward the guy for randomly dragging him into his drama in the first place (although he forgave him on this second issue because he met a couple new love interests over the course of settling the Bluejacket’s affairs. Nothing came of either one, but he was happy to have met them anyway).

He was mostly just confused though. The creature’s memories explained what was going on, but not why. Why did the Navy turn people into sea urchin-type monsters? Apparently they were very important/valuable for the war effort, but why? And if they were so important, why did they never “use” this one? It is harder to lay blame when you have little to no knowledge of the actual situation.

They were trying to make an “ambassador” to the lorn-flukes, someone who could be in the zee and speak with them.

However, the admiralty got into a fight with the khanate, right around the lorn-flukes, and pissed them off enough that they weren’t amenable to conversation. So there was no more need for an aqueous ambassador.

Ah, so that’s what was going on. Thanks for explaining it :)

What does Conflagrati Ascendancy do?

Each group has its own ending and rewards.

Do you know how high i need to get each group quallity? Like for [color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Conflagrati Ascendancy i need to get to 20 or 30? Thanks for the help.[/color]

Do you know how high i need to get each group quallity? Like for [color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Conflagrati Ascendancy i need to get to 20 or 30? Thanks for the help.[/color][/quote]

I’m afraid I don’t remember, but sticking with one side causes that side to win, sticking with both causes both sides to lose.

Iirc you need to do the three events three times, and at the end whichever group is higher wins. If they tie they both lose. Supporting one faction gives +1 to their Ascendancy quality and -1 to the other, while taking the middle route to sabotage both gives -1 to both.

Further discussion should probably be in the thread for Our Lady of Pyres.