RP help

&quotWilmots end - the subtlety is shattered by a message in dripped wax. (Hopefully that’s wax.) Need HELP with the AUSTRIANS. There’s a book on the ground next to the message. Will anyone pick up the book? (Will anyone risk being seen picking up the book?)&quot

When someone steps up, follow that up with a &quotTsk. Just missed 'em.&quot A devil clucks out at the second person to step forward. Have the first person provide a discription of themselves to be passed to the second player, etc. Allow a few players to leave some subtle clues to feel each other out and GM some breadcrumbs for the main plot yourself.

I feel like the nature of forum posts isn’t as condusive to my earlier hopes as I first imagined. Maybe that’s just my tastes, I dunno. I like to have stakes in the things I do, role-playing included most highly among them.

Perhaps that’s somewhat evident considering I left my character’s fate in the hands of the people and allowed another writer to almost have him half-assassinated.

And more to come, most likely. Death should matter in the Neath, permanent or not. I feel like we’re a bit divorced from consequence, with all we speak about tragedy and loss.

Again, perhaps that’s just me.

I do agree we’re all pretty divorced from the concept of death. But that’s mostly because as a game, Fallen London gives players more than 1 chance to try again. The in-game lore is just an explanation for what can be a Game Over screen in most games while integrating more lore and a chance to return to the living.

But in roleplaying, it’s a bit hard to feel invested in death when essentially the lore is painted that death doesn’t matter. Even with true death, no citizens of the Neath feel as if it has much weight. I feel like that alone transitioned into roleplaying too. That along with the fact that the game paints the player character as an almost special/extraordinary character and it seems normal that roleplayers wouldn’t want to aim to kill off their characters. Not unless they felt invested or wanted to conclude their character’s story in that way.

All of that said, I wouldn’t mind rolling a character for the express purpose of a campaign with a Dwindling Party. It’s been ages since I played in a campaign and it would be interesting to see how an rp would handle something like that.

Well, I think the actual game itself is first and foremost for mostly everyone, with rping being something fun to do on the side to flesh out your character or have fun with other players. Most people aren’t going to want to put a bunch of work into their character in the game only to have them killed off for good in an rp due to random chance.

If rping were the main focus of the game, then yeah, I could understand wanting the stakes to be higher, but as it is I don’t think its something a lot of us are clamoring for.

Perhaps an npc’s life is at risk if you want some drama in the game right there. The trick is making an npc that people care about
A Great Game roleplay would inspire quite a bit of pvp, so you would need to have the way to resolve such situations presented from the get-go, such as rule system or other methods.

Having an antagonist/story master helps raise the stakes a lot.

I wanted to ask… i can chose a destiny, but can’t decide for a set for Maria… could someone help? Early, it would have been money, since she (interestingly) started as an evil (for around five minutes) greedy char… but now, I have no idea[li]

[quote=Rysiek]I wanted to ask… i can chose a destiny, but can’t decide for a set for Maria… could someone help? Early, it would have been money, since she (interestingly) started as an evil (for around five minutes) greedy char… but now, I have no idea[/quote]Why don’t you have a look over here?