Recommend me a ship.

Hahah, you got me there :)

Basically, I’m just very impatient and confrontational. I can’t stand the significantly slower pace of travel without Full Power, nor the significantly slower pace of combat with just a deck gun.

Plus, I want to fight everything and everyone. So, how a ship handles in combat is an even bigger concern, and I just hate the lumbering feel of the Dreadnought so much that I’m willing to sacrifice hold space to avoid it (plus, the Dreadnought’s crew eats through supplies like there’s no tomorrow, which does somewhat counterbalance the extra hold space! Admittedly, not THAT much.)

For that matter, the Frigate actually isn’t my favorite ship in combat either, but I don’t prefer others enough to go down to 40 freakin’ hold. The Frigate barely has enough to manage its fuel/supply needs and a bunch of errant cargo saved for a quest, with enough left a couple loads of sphinxstone, or the Merchant Venturer, or a shitload of scintillack, or enough fuel and goods for a profitable surface run. It’s always tight, but generally good enough for me.

In any case, I never actually DENIED being a collection of sorrow-spiders myself, so.

I like the frigate. Honestly from a min-max perspective, the forward weapon isn’t really worth the 50 space. Regardless, I agree with Impish Axile and tend to be impatient in combat so I’m willing to sacrifice the space… the -25 veils from the dreadnought is too much for me imo.