I am looking for someone to exchange rats with or possibly just send rats to because that seems to be the fastest way to earn rat points. Also is there anyone I can send 777777 rats to?
Just pick names from this thread and keep sending away.
Does it have to be a certain time of day in order to send 777777 rats to someone? And would going to hell zone make me loose my billion rat?
There is no “certain time of day” to my knowledge. Should work any time you choose.
Going to hell zone removes a lot of things, but I don’t remember what, because I have been avarat (and now ratan) so long that I only lose normal rats.
Which can be hilarious when I lose all my zero rats and am therefore left with exactly one.
My memory is still a sieve; if you are able to send items (thanks by the way!) to others, then I think you are able to keep your billions. But since I am Avarat and Ratan too I cannot guarantee what I just said!
This is awesome. I have acquired the Heart, and am now debating whether or not I should try to find everything before or after ascending.
A small b̶e̶e̶ bug report:
Removing poison causes you to gain two bees, whereas the description implies that you should actually be losing them
The option for backing out of a couple Kingly storylets (the blessing and cursing of rats, I think) takes an action.
If anyone wants help getting out of Hell, I can provide it.
I’m currently in hell and would appreciate assistance in escaping.
Thanks to everyone who helped me escape! You’re the best!
edited by peppep25 on 4/18/2015
Hey everyone! I discovered this awesome game about a week ago, and am looking for people to send rats to (and people who will send me rats). My username is (idiotically) isendrats. Thanks!
E: Is there anyone here eligible to send 777777 rats to? You need stranger no more than 0 and Seeking a certain tally of rats no more than 0.
edited by Mistah_Figgins on 5/9/2015
Try every name that ever appeared in the thread?
I want a rat, bruh.
can someone get me out of the hell now plz halp
Thanks to Azurite and xoAlto for breaking me out! Thanks also for paying off all my debts xoAlto. I really appreciate it.
Erm, pardon me, but is there a way to get out of Hell Zone without outside help and if not could I have some?
For some reason I decided to call myself "Tom" in RSS2K14.
edited by The-Gentlemen on 5/14/2015
Is it a bug that when i chose “ignore it” in the rat bee storylet my rats were unchanged even though I got the same message? I got it again and did the same thing, and it gave me rats, so its not that my rats didn’t change because of how high they were. (~1,400,000 at the time this happened)
At least I think it was the same message. It had a similar ending at least. Even so, I don’t know why it would say my rats were unchanged instead of just moving on.
OK, so I think I’ve actually managed to nearly escape Hell Zone. I only require one more rat to do so. I really, really hope you don’t need to do it seven times… that would require 240 rats total.
Anyway, i think I found a bug. Having the game open when your action timer runs out seems to make you lose an action.
happy new year
SO apparently 10 rats and 10 rat points isn’t enough to totally escape entirely. 77 rats though…
But what’s the difference between the two options?
Thank you three random people for the help. I managed to scrape a bit of progress together myself, and that’ll be here in two and a half days, but I’ll still need three more…
Is crippling debt bad for you, and in what way? I don’t seem limited by it at all.