Quick Question: Warm Amber?

For certain complex and frankly unbelievable reasons, I find myself in need of some warm amber. Would anyone happen to know where it can be acquired on the quick?

&quotOn the quick?&quot Oh dear… These are the only three sources for Warm Amber:

  1. On Corpsecage Island: The option &quotInauspicious iron&quot from &quotThe Back of Corpsecage&quot rewards you with 10x Warm Amber (straightforward at Watchful 132)
  2. In the Labyrinth of Tigers, Coil 3: &quotSet a rubbery man free&quot from &quotA night for escapes&quot gives you 1x Warm Amber
  3. In the Forgotten Quarter: as a Rare Success in &quotPoke about among the ruins&quot from &quotHunting for Curios&quot you’ll get 1x Warm Amber

Good luck!
edited by Rupho Schartenhauer on 3/24/2015

A disgruntled digression: Considering how difficult warm amber is to obtain, I was surprised, dismayed, and somewhat insulted by the pittance given in exchange for some by a certain rubbery man on a certain card. If that is your “complex and unbelievable” reason, sir, then beware.

There is another way to get warm amber, but you need to shell out some fate for it and i’m pretty sure saying anymore would be Content Spoilers of some form

That is quite alright. The Forgotten Quarter will suit. And my reasoning is quite different, M. Fantastic.