Profiting from Menace Increases

As many of you know, there are some occasions when you want to acquire Menace qualities. What are the best ways to make a decent profit while doing so? I’m not looking for the fastest ways to increase a Menace, nor am I looking for the fastest ways to make Echoes. I’m looking for lucrative storylets that are balanced by Menace increases, thereby killing two birds with one stone.[li]

For example, the storylet “Seeking Curios and Secrets in the Forgotten Quarter” is extremely lucrative and almost always increases Nightmares, making it the perfect grind if you need Nightmares.

Lecturing openly on the Correspondence increases Connected: Society, Bohemians, and Revolutionaries at the same time while giving Suspicion.

A more niche case is the option on the slow boat unlocked with Boatman’s Opponent 40, which is a very high Watchful challenge, giving Nightmares and on success Extraordinary Implications.

It’s a card rather than a storylet and thus difficult to grind, but if you have a need for Scandal and don’t habitually reside at a Remote Address you should play the City Vices card with the Bohemian salon when it comes up. It doesn’t cost a lot of Connected despite the warning, and you get a decent haul from it, including some Making Waves.

A more niche case is the option on the slow boat unlocked with Boatman’s Opponent 40, which is a very high Watchful challenge, giving Nightmares and on success Extraordinary Implications.[/quote]

You’ll eventually hit 10 on Nightmares which locks this option even if you succeed. I’ve spent many trips running straight from the River to the Marshes. Don’t forget to also have a Detective’s Card to start the Medium Case up to Cat & Mouse 6 for further profit.

If you want to trade Nightmares for Wounds, you can swap them via Gawp (at the Hyena), gaining 2cp of Wounds. You’ll also gain a Tale of Terror (0.5) and 3 Appalling Secrets (.45).

If you’re looking for Scandal, always take the Rubbery Favours option which grants a Favour for increased scandal (and no other cost).