Problem with journals?

I am havnig trouble reading some of other people’s journals and was wondering if that was happening to anyone else? I was trying to make a final decision on the Last Dog Society and tried looking at RandomWalkers’s 3 journals for final rewards (e.g. ) all of which redirected me to: and the same happened to several other journals. But others work fine. For example, an_ocelot’s journal is still accessible.

I also see E500 for RandomWalker’s profile.

Same when viewing RandomWalker’s profile earlier today, though my own shows just fine.

Interesting - RandomWalker’s profile goes E500 for me, if I enter it manually, but if I click on the ‘Profile’ link on the ‘Myself’ tab, it works fine. The URL is the same (use autocomplete). Same applies to my alts. Weird problem.

Something to do if someone is active / logged on or not?
edited by RandomWalker on 8/26/2015

[quote=RandomWalker]Interesting - RandomWalker’s profile goes E500 for me, if I enter it manually, but if I click on the ‘Profile’ link on the ‘Myself’ tab, it works fine. The URL is the same (use autocomplete). Same applies to my alts. Weird problem.

Something to do if someone is active / logged on or not?
edited by RandomWalker on 8/26/2015[/quote]

Last I knew, the profile software is completely separate from SN and FL (and was actually developed not by FBG). It connects to the database to produce its output, and has no concept of &quotlogged in or active.&quot

This is another account I tried that also gave me E500 - (So it’s not RandomWalker-specific)


Last I knew, the profile software is completely separate from SN and FL (and was actually developed not by FBG). It connects to the database to produce its output, and has no concept of &quotlogged in or active.&quot[/quote]

Sure, all I can say is that the profile shows up fine if my character logs in. If I log out and then refresh the page, I get the error screen. Log back in, it’s back. No idea what the link is, but it’s very repeatable.


Last I knew, the profile software is completely separate from SN and FL (and was actually developed not by FBG). [… ]and has no concept of &quotlogged in or active.&quot[/quote]

[color=#009900]None of these things are the case :-) Liam did do the original design for the profile page before he joined FBG, which may be where the misconception comes from? In any case, it’s something we’ll look into tomorrow![/color]

[quote=Alexis Kennedy][quote=Theus]

Last I knew, the profile software is completely separate from SN and FL (and was actually developed not by FBG). [… ]and has no concept of &quotlogged in or active.&quot[/quote]

[color=#009900]None of these things are the case :-) Liam did do the original design for the profile page before he joined FBG, which may be where the misconception comes from? In any case, it’s something we’ll look into tomorrow![/color][/quote]

Well, I’m sure this won’t be the first time I mistake which side of my body produces actual useful information. Thanks for the correction!

If it’s any help Mothnode’s profile also does this:

This issue appears to be fixed

New issue.

Attempts to POST to my journal bring up the fate tab instead.

You might want to send in a report to make sure FBG knows about it, but this seems to be the cause of the problem:

I ran into the same problem earlier - I think it was because I had visited the fate page, started a transaction, and not completed it. I had refreshed but that hadn’t fixed the inability to echo. I ended up buying a bit of fate, which I had already intended to do, and that cleared it up, so it seemed to just be stuck for me. Another option might be clearing your cache.
(Thanks for the sip, by the way! Quite invigorating… and tasted of gardens. )[/quote]