Probably a Coincidence... location

Lately I’ve seen a number of players sporting this fine item and can’t help but be curious about it’s location. I’m interested in acquiring it… to keep it safe. I mean, we can’t have people just walking around dropping stalactites on their enemies houses. That would be wrong. Even if it is entertaining… and efficient… and mostly untraceable.

(I know it may be from a seasonal event but I’m curious all the same.)

It comes from Fate-locked Sackmas content.

It is also possible to acquire it with the Fate-locked option at the mouth of the Nadir, if you don’t feel like waiting.

Thank you kind sir and madame. Your aid is much appreciated.

[quote=The Dark Gentleman]It is also possible to acquire it with the Fate-locked option at the mouth of the Nadir, if you don’t feel like waiting.[/quote]Wow. That seems like a really good deal for someone who isn’t going to be a Midnighter.

It’s cheaper around Christmas, though I must admit that particular option comes with other stuff too.

Sorry, but say that again?

Chirstmass comes with other stuff, or nadir comes with other stuff?

Nadir comes with other stuff

Yeah, sorry for the confusion. The Nadir option is more expensive, but comes with extra stuff.