Potential reset to zero--bug? Please help


I have been working on a short story in Veilgarden for weeks now. I managed to get the potential to 181, spending a lot of actions and echoes. But I went to the Empress’ Court today, and clicked on the story where the guy in court wants to have a word. He said I wasn’t good enough yet etc. (even though I’ve already completed close to a hundred works), then I got taken to a page where the only option I had was to reset my work’s potential to zero. It said I had potential, but wasn’t working on anything, let’s fix that for you etc. And now it’s all gone.

I couldn’t find the bug reporting tool so I’m posting this here. Please do help. I have screenshots, but can’t attach them here since they’re on my computer. I can upload to imgur and post a link if you need to see it.

You’ll probably get a response just from posting on the forums, but the admins will have to forward your request to support.

Consider e-mailing support@failbettergames.com directly.

Sounds like a bug with the Writing Works at Court storyline resetting your working on a short story even though that isn’t one of the works for court. Support should definitely be able to help.

Unfortunately this is not a bug - there is a warning before you play the option

[spoiler] From: A slow day

The Veteran Privy Counsellor would like you to come this way. He’s a Duke, isn’t he? You should probably pop along.

Game Instructions: If you’re creating a work of art like a Short Story, you’ll need to finish or cancel that first. [/spoiler]

Oof. That’s rough.

Just to clarify: both the Writer’s desk for short stories and the Empress Court/Artist in Residence sequence share the &quotWorking on&quot quality, even though they use different options to finish them (Inspired and Potential). This is cleared once you’ve selected a &quotPotentionally…&quot Option for short stories under Finish a Short Story or by finishing a work in the Court.

I wonder why there isn’t just a lock on the Veteran Privy Counciler’s storylet if you’ve any Potential or Manuscript pages.
edited by Parelle on 5/12/2016

Thank you for all the replies. Looks like I’ve had a lapse of absentmindedness, and I’ll have to start over again :)