Poor Zailor

I guess I’ll have to give them a go, then. Do veils help with the distance increase, or only with illumination reduction?

Regardless, I do hope we get some trade routes, though. It’s odd being a captain of a trading vessel with so few things to trade :)

Veils don’t help with distance, unfortunately.

I’m sure we’ll get some with later updates but none of them will ever be truly profitable as that’s not how this game is built. Honestly I’ve always thought of my ship as a mix between an exploration vessel/privateer/fishing boat.

[quote=Zee-Bat]You should be able to tackle the Lifebergs as long as you remember to use flee and keep your distance over 40 meters. Your illumination doesn’t matter as long as you do that really.

Of course if they do hit you it’s an insta-kill.[/quote]

I hate lifebergs :( they have been the cause of many a death for me, thank you btw everyone got some really good ideas looking through these posts ^^

Lifebergs have been a godsend for me (oh please gods of the Underzee, don’t nerf them): easily avoided through evasion, they die with 4-5 shots max (54 iron) and they have tons of goodies.

The only thing you need to be careful, is not to let them close the distance to 40 yards without having an evasion move already underway (it cancels their devastating attack).

I’ve actually made some money and scored some neat treasures.

Right now lifebergs are perfectly safe kills if you use Flee rather than Evade; Flee has a shorter timer than their Seek, so if you keep fleeing, you can put as much distance between you and the lifeberg as you want before you start attacking. Ignore your illumination; even if you’re completely illuminated, they can’t hit you if you stay further than 40 yards apart. If you start getting too close for comfort, just keep Fleeing again until you’re back at a safe distance.

Don’t forget that Flank Speed! is only 4 seconds at the cost of 1 fuel.

Never saw that as worth it, unless I’m facing a Lorn Fluke or something like that.

Or Mt. Nomad, which is surprisingly easier to kill than a Lorn Fluke.