Play-Testing: Maelstrom

It seems like I was affected as well. Could you please send me the fix?

Thank you!


Will do. Message will with you in a moment.

Ah, the sweet sound of bugs being crushed underfoot.

Ed: Do grammar hiccups count as bugs?

First ‘is’ should be ‘are’.
edited by Arcalane on 12/1/2012

So it should. And now it does.

Forging ahead…

[quote=“A ship approaches”]Fire a warning shot
You would rather they not get much closer but you do not wish for a fight either. A single shot wide of their hull should give them the right message.


Across the pirate’s bow[/b]
It works. The shot flies just in front of the figurehead, so close they could probably feel the breeze, and they turn to avoid your path. A little closer and, through your eyeglass, you can make out the unwashed and un-uniformed crew giving your ship wary, respectful looks.

  • You succeeded in a Hostility challenge!
  • You’ve gained 3 x Reputation: Pirates (new total ).
    I assume Reputation: Pirates is meant to work like the other Reputation types thusfar, yes?

Yes, all Reputation qualities will work similarly. In this case, the show of strength earned a little respect.

… OH, I see what you’re getting at. It’s supposed to be Pyramid numbers. Fixed, and thanks again!

Sorry, should’ve been a bit clearer, but I think I was kinda tired when I posted that.

Also, it appears you may need to issue some fixer cards for those who already had any Reputation: Pirates, since it doesn’t seem to have converted cleanly, at least not on my end;

[quote]Across the pirate’s bow

  • You succeeded in a Hostility challenge!
    Reputation: Pirates has increased to (blank)[/quote]

It doesn’t actually say “(blank)”, there’s just nothing there, like the “(new total )” in the previous quote.

Huh, odd. I’m not too worried about that. Perhaps it will fix itself once you reach the next level for that quality. If it doesn’t go away, I’ll advise FBG.

NEW CONTENT! - The Blackstone Update

A significant new release today! Look for the Pick Stamped Letter to begin Maelstrom’s first dungeon quest and meet the Mistdown Society.

  • Blackstone has been released
  • An un-reported bug has been fixed so Dissent! and sailors are only lost ONCE when making port.
  • Open Sky’s events have been rebalanced so running out of Provisions is a much worse occurrence!
  • The results of resupplying in the Green Land card have been rebalanced.

As always, should you (Builders forbid) encounter any bugs, or if you have any feedback, post below or email me at

And follow @MaelstromSN on Twitter for update news direct to your social media aggregator.

Rep: Pirates definitely seems to be broken. I just got the same message as I posted last time, and I know prior to that I only had 1 of it because I’d lost some to the bad Rep: Pirates result.

Also - got the letter, went to Capital. Is there supposed to be a Pinned Card, or is this a case of flipping the Opportunity Deck until the next one shows up?

Jedi mindtrick This never happened. The card was always there.

Dangerous. Exciting. Proftable, despite a few hiccups. Didn’t lose anyone I couldn’t afford to lose, etc. etc.

I did not encounter any major issues, although running out of actions moved me back outside, cleared my opportunity hand, and reset my progress; all of which seems a little counter-intuitive. Or at least worthy of a warning when entering if it’s intentional.

Running out of actions shouldn’t do that. I don’t even know a way I could make running out of actions do that.

It’s possible that failing at a test might have brought your Treating Dark Corridors down to 0 which would return you to the outside and clear Ruin cards from your hand.

Hm. That may have been it, then – I know it happened as I ran out of actions, so I may have missed the reduction to the quality (though I think it was high enough tiat it wouldn’t have been an issue?) and attributed it to the wrong thing. If I get an opportunity I might try launching another expedition to go there and test it.

Right now though… myself, my ship, and my crew morale are all in need of repair.

Ed: Tending to Wounds via the Pinned Card at Capital, failure result for the first option;

edited by Arcalane on 12/4/2012

First, I want to say that I am enjoying Maelstrom immensely.
I was testing the waters (skies?) to see how long it would take to destroy my ship by sailing as recklessly as possible for as long as possible. Try as I might to smash the ship to splinters, I ended up losing my entire crew to starvation and falling through missing floorboards before I could get Hull Damage above 6, so my “ship of the dead” was forced back to port. Then some weird stuff happened:

[ol][li]My Dissent was up to 7, so I got the “Empty Bunks” card. It was somewhat confusing to hear that members of my crew had deserted and that the remaining loyal sailors would stick with me – considering that my entire crew was dead or lost, who were these people?
[/li][li] Despite having no crew, the Empty Bunks card still reduced Dissent and theoretically subtracted Sailors. Essentially, my Dissent was reduced by 2 with no penalty. I’m not even sure what kind of penalty could have been levied; by the time I reached port, I was completely destitute. It might make more sense to leave Dissent where it is and require the player to reduce Dissent before leaving port again. Or, perhaps gaining some ‘Reputation as a Loose Canon’ quality…
[/li][li]Before I was forced to land, I got Making Headway up to 14. When I arrived in port (in Portdown, if that makes a difference) Making Headway did not reset and I still had Making Headway 14 when I set sail again (allowing me to land in Greengrass the moment I left Portdown).
[/li][/ol] Lastly, I would like to echo the request for having some option to repair Hull Damage while in port. Since it’s risky to make repairs on Open Air, you could balance the relative safety of making repairs in port by requiring some extra cost - like hiring a carpenter or renting a “dry-dock” for making repairs.
Thanks for listening. I’m looking forward to the first dungeon. :)

First reaction: woh o.0 And thanks for the detailed feedback, Lockesmyth. I hadn’t consider the combination of these effects. Some of them blindingly obvious in retrospect. I’ll fix those right up.

I am going to include repair options at major ports - Portdown and Capital certainly but only limited options at Greengrass.


Earlier today, as some have already noticed:

  • Applying First Aid cards were added. If you have Medicine skill and are not in a dungeon, you can attempt varying degrees of first aid to remove a few change points in Wounds.
  • Public Houses have opened/expended on major islands where you can hire sailors and buy your crew a few rounds for a chance to reduce Dissent. (Greengrass’ pub card has been changed to match this.)

Also, in response to Lockesmyth’s post above:

  • Crew members will no longer desert if you have less than 20 when you dock. Crew deserting does not reduce your Dissent.
  • Arriving upon an island reached with the Alone card (no crew) now resets your Making Headway.

And that ‘their’ typo identified by Arcalane has been fixed on both Open Sky and Landside versions of the card.

[This is an edit because I hit post too early. Doy.]
edited by lily on 12/4/2012


  • Repairs can now be made at major islands: Capital, Portdown and Greengrass.
  • All islands can repair hull damage, but only the master engineers of Portdown will repair engine damage.
  • Captains can either expend resources to make repairs or purchase repairs with pound coins.
  • Neither method expends Provisions while on these islands.
  • To conduct repairs, you must first hire a Repair Dock Ticket. This currently costs £400. The ticket is lost when you depart the island.

As always: bugs, feedback? Put it right here.

Repair costs look good! Nothing to report yet, beyond my own incompetence and forgetfulness. Which you can now keep track of, if you’re so inclined.

MARVELLOUS, Captain, truly marvellous. I hope you don’t mind if I tweet about this.