PE Astherson's invitation to potential partners

Dear sir or madam, my name is Andrew Astherson and I would like to offer you a wide range of services:

  • hunt / eradication contracts on various monstrosities (exorcism service excluded);
  • hunt / eradication raids logistics and supervision;
  • rent of gymnasium and shooting range, tuitional sparring sessions;
  • theoretical and practical lessons on firearms / cold weapons usage and sustain, survival lessons, first aid basics, zoology and cryptozoology;
  • cartographical, navigational and logistical services;
  • public relation services, including salon invitations arrangement, events hosting, lobbying;
  • sale / purchace management;
  • materials gathering for artistic representatives;
  • information gathering.
  • may consider providing with partonage.

If you consider my services useful, or you seek for partnership, please feel free to contact me.

Looking forward for cooperation.
Yours sincerely, A.A.
edited by Andrew Astherson on 6/30/2015

Do you offer catering? Any testimonials from prior customers?

Fingerking Bourguignon?
Blemmigan gravy?
Zee-bat au vin?
Jilly-fleur stew?
Child’s play!

This man has done things with spider councils I never thought possible. Capture, you ask? Ha! A task for lesser men. Mr. Astherson not only removed the menace from one of my properties, but also prepared it with very fine risotto into a dish containing ABSOLUTELY NO ACTUAL spider council at all. It was a magnificent meal enjoyed at the most recent meeting of the Apicius Club. I wholeheartedly endorse Mr. Astherson for all of your unique and challenging catering needs.

If you’re Unaccountably Peckish, call on Andrew Astherson.

[quote=The Dark Gentleman]
If you’re Unaccountably Peckish, call on Andrew Astherson.[/quote]

Ehm… In the lands I came from, almost nothing goes to waste… Even if this &quotnothing&quot has attempted to shred you with its fangs few minutes ago.

However, I specialize in either nullifying menaces, or drill-sergeanting you up to the formidable levels of self-defence capacity.
When it comes up to the matters of hunger, I usually saturate the informational kind of it: local writers, journalists and more illusory entities are crazed (sometimes literally) about stories / news / intel.

Though, I do practice tradition to treat my honorable customers and partners with a bit more exotic dishes, like Neptune’s harlot-fry dumplings or predatory orchid borsch.

Wanna try ?
edited by Andrew Astherson on 6/16/2015