Patch Notes

Yeah, now that you mention it, that sidebar does have so much stuff it’s basically unusable to find anything in particular. It doesn’t feel like a quickview, it feels like a complete list (though of course compared to all the qualities out there, it’s a quickview).


Week Ending 28th June

  • The Green-Gilled Shipwright has arrived at Gaider’s Mourn, selling advanced ships previously only available at Fruits of the Zee. He will remain until Tuesday the 9th.

Week Ending 5th July

  • Lowered the difficulties of several Zailing Speed checks at zee. Specifically, ships with 75 Zailing Speed should now 100% these checks.
  • Most actions at zee now give a small extra random amount of Zailing…
    • Ordinarily, this shouldn’t matter, but it should occasionally save an action when zailing with fast ships.

Does the extra random amount of zailing apply to corsair checks? Pretty sure I haven’t noticed it happening yet and I’ve been zailing a round a bit, but it’s mostly doing piracy while sailing around

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Week Ending 12th July

  • Lost Time (aka, the Stacks):
    • Abandoning a run should no longer reduce Anathema Unchained or increment An Interloper in the Library.
    • Fixed certain cards not automatically discarding when they can no longer be played.
    • Fixed unchaining a chained volume not spending a Library Key.

Week Ending 26th July

  • Lost Time:
    • ‘The Grey Cardinal’ is no longer discardable
    • A new route is available, starting at Interloper in the Library 4
    • Several new options on existing cards
    • Uses for Library Keys are more rewarding, but carrying them occasionally has a surprising downside
    • New paid content: the Clamorous Cartographer, who adds new toggle-able cards, options, and a new route

Week Ending 2nd August

  • Tracklayer’s City:
    • ‘Provide a reassuring tale’ on ‘The Particulars of Claim’ has been slightly buffed to bring in line with comparable branches.
  • Minor adjustments to the tutorial in New Newgate.

Week ending 9th August

  • Editing a book of meditations on the Anchoress now correctly requires 200 Foxfire Candle Stubs
  • Changes to cards in the London Opportunity Deck limited to specific areas:
    • Many previous area-locked cards are now available throughout London, with adjustments to their precise requirements and rarities.
    • Others have been retired, or temporarily disabled.

Area-locked cards in the London deck weren’t having the desired effect. They were not dense enough to really affect the flavour of the area, and were awkward to convey to new players in particular, leading some cards to be extremely narrow in their availability. We’re continuing to keep an eye on the shape of the London deck.


Do I read this right and London’s deck became much worse with all those trash cards added into general pool?


Not sure I like this change. At first I was totally confused why I was suddenly drawing " A deviless’ serenade" everywhere in London. Then I noticed they’d changed the requirement to “Route: The Flit”.

The only upside (maybe?) is you don’t have to pay attention to where in London you draw cards as the deck should be the same in every location now. But I don’t think that makes up for the deterioration of the deck in general. There was a reason I was avoiding these cards…

Is there a list of which cards were retired?


I noticed “Bones in the River”, and “The Departed” so far (noticed they’re no longer location locked, that is)

The Wiki claimed Wolfstack in the Fog had gone, but I’ve drawn that twice recently, so not sure it’s true. Good riddance to Bones in the River, though. I have no great love for that pile of smelly remains. Which is comical, because IRL, the whole family are enthusiastic fossil hunters.

Seeing as I just got Bones in the River, I think it’s just waiting for you with a nailed bat.

I was thinking of Wolfstack in Fog, but I see that’s not confirmed. And my take will be the lodgings cards that give urchin favours (there were 3-4) and probably some other rare and beneficial cards. I wonder if the Albino rat card is still out there.

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Agreed; I just drew “Bones in the River” tonight.

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Well, it’s been few days already and I am left with a feeling that areas are now hollow and meaningless.

I just remain where I used my AP last time and just draw cards while the map becomes less and less important; the art, which reminded me to change the location, starts to become shallow. With time, these will probably fade into the background, especially when I’m on a run to use 4-5 AP.

I loved that the lodgings were filled with urchins, of course, I liked the Wolfstack cards even if I mostly enjoyed the silence of the FQ. I attended the funeral of a unlucky rat when I had no plans; this add more flavour, not the happiest, to the Hills where, as we know, there’s a Department there!


I agree. It’s all rather flat when the same cards come up everywhere.

Please reconsider. Also, I’d like the option back of having dynamic location art on the profile page as you move about the Neath.


August 14 bonus Patch Notes

Sixth Coil:

  • Upped baseline profitability a skosh.
  • Added a bonus reward for turning around if you’ve collected all four Burdens.
  • There’s now an upper bound on how much ‘Coiling Ever Deeper’ you have to lose to leave the labyrinth.
  • Fixed a bug where Temptation’s Presence was incrementing rather than being set to 1, causing it to (confusingly) keep increasing over and over.

So that was a bug? I did wonder.

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Week Ending 23rd August

  • Added new art for Rat-Shillings and Stuivers.
  • Rat-Shillings and Stuivers are now displayed on the sidebar.
  • Added several activity-specific qualities to the sidebar. Generally, these should only appear within the relevant areas.
    • Burglar’s Progress and Cat-Like Tread
    • Zailing…
    • Laboratory Research (Should only appear while inside the Laboratory)
    • Infiltrating… (Should only appear within the inner Khanate)
    • Advance! (Only in Parabola)
    • Finding the Centre and Perusing the Stacks
    • Fitting In and Time Remaining at Helicon House
    • Hurlyburly and Goat vs Goat (Only in the Castle)
    • On the Scent
    • Name Recognition and Campaign Duration within A Trade in Reputations
  • Added target values (a progress bar) to Burglar’s Progress, Cat-Like Tread, and Advance!
  • Removed Influence from the sidebar.