Pails of Lacre will melt soon

Excellent points, Richard - it’s easy to write off anything not stated in cold, hard extra-narrative terms as being mere flavour text - I know I’ve done so myself - but it seems that’s not always the way Fallen London works.

As soon as I got a pail I fed it to my noman, or stared at it through my monocle after feeding my ptpt to my noman, so while I did collect quite a bit of snow in total I never had more than one bucket at a time for most of January. So this sort of preempts any concerns I might have had about losing my lacre stockpile, although I did keep two buckets left over from last Christmas for an entire year. (One in case I needed to use it for something and one as a souvenir.)

edited by CameoAppearance on 2/6/2014

Thanks very much for pointing this out Fhoenix! My sympathies for your 10 buckets :( It does seem a bit harsh not to tell us in advance. I had hoarded a couple, used one just now and will just have to hope for the right cards in the Nadir so I can get the best use of the other too.