Optimalize Notability Gain [Spoiler: math]

Let’s take a step back and look at the most effective ways to gain MW.[li]


Souls: Average grab in Spite is 64 per action, so 15.625 actions for 1000, add another action for the conversion to MV=16.625
The amount of MW gained is listed as &quotRandom&quot on the Wiki; can anyone get a range or at least an average?

Society: Palace erudite gives 33cp per action.
The cp lost is not listed on the wiki; does anybody know how much it is?


Supper: as mentioned, gives 6-8 per 3 actions
2-2.66cp per action

Only important if they can give more than supper per action.

An important clarification on the Challenge calculation: Is it (20-BDR+6)(N) or 20-BDR+(6)(N)?

20-BDR+6N, if I remember correctly

I only had 3k souls, and every time the MW gain was disappointingly small (maybe 5 change points?)
I would go with what’s written on the card text: “A thousand souls will increase your Making Waves quality by between 1 and 10.”, and interpret that as “between 1 and 10 change points”.

I’d assume an average of 5.5 CP, which is really slow, so I wouldn’t personally use it…

I actually used heavily both Souls and Society to become a Midnighter, but I find it’s more useful to scrape up that extra points to get another level than as a reliable means of increasing Making Waves. Basically, I think that if you have a stash of Souls and a lot of Society sitting there it may well be worth to increas a value, especially if it’s a pivotal chek - pivotal not necessarily being the last one (my personal experience: I kept the Tower of Eyes in hand ready to invite the Duchess - I was very careful to not let Airs of London change - that was enought to grant me a good chance at getting Notability 5. So the big risk for me was actually to manage to get to 4; a failure on that check would have put me at risk of getting hit by Time the Healer).

[quote=Guy Scrum][quote=Dr. Hieronymous Alloy]…but I’d be really interested to see if anyone’s done the math.

So I just finished a big project for work, and clearly needed more nerdy math things to do. This time, let’s do a Monte Carlo simulation. I wrote a short program to simulate someone trying to pass at different levels of making waves. Assuming you can get 2 CP of making waves per action and you need 40 levels of making waves to get 100%, I come up with the following:
[li] Attempting with 15 making waves (assuming you have to get at least this high to force a draw), you should expect to spend about 149 actions. There’s about a 25% chance you’ll spend 200+ actions, and 2.5% chance you’ll spend 400+ actions.
[/li][li] Attempting with higher making waves generally takes more actions.
[/li][li] Attempting with 40 making waves takes 417 actions (using my probably wrong assumptions).

The program is in the spoiler tag. Run it in a python terminal if you want to play with it.

from random import random

def actionsForSuccess(attemptLevel = 40, challengeLevel = 40, CPperAction = 2.0, drawCPpenalty = 10):

~~~~Uses a RNG to figure out how many actions it will take to gain a point of notability.
~~~~challengeLevel - the level you need to get 100% success rate
~~~~CPperAction - how many actions it takes to get 1 CP of making waves
~~~~attemptLevel - the level at which you take a gamble
~~~~drawCPpenalty - how many CP you lose to force draw the card
~~~~Number of actions it took to gain the point.

~~~~actions = 0
~~~~CP = 0
~~~~attemptCP = attemptLevel*(attemptLevel+1)/2
~~~~while True:
~~~~~~~~delta_CP = attemptCP + drawCPpenalty - CP
~~~~~~~~actions += delta_CP / CPperAction
~~~~~~~~actions += 2 # one for draw, one for trying to pass
~~~~~~~~success_probability = attemptLevel * 1.0 / challengeLevel
~~~~~~~~if (success_probability > random()):
~~~~~~~~~~~~# success!
~~~~~~~~~~~~return actions 
~~~~~~~~~~~~# fail...
~~~~~~~~~~~~# Assume your making waves level gets cut in half, rounded up
~~~~~~~~~~~~newLevel = attemptLevel//2 + attemptLevel%2
~~~~~~~~~~~~CP = newLevel*(newLevel+1)/2
# Now run this a bunch of times, and see what the distribution is
def runManyTimes(n = 10**6, **args):
~~~~action_distribution = {}
~~~~for i in xrange(n):
~~~~~~~~actionsForThisTrial = actionsForSuccess(**args)
~~~~~~~~if actionsForThisTrial not in action_distribution:
~~~~~~~~~~~~action_distribution[actionsForThisTrial] = 0.0
~~~~~~~~action_distribution[actionsForThisTrial] += 1./n
~~~~expectedActions = 0
~~~~for actionCount in action_distribution.keys():
~~~~~~~~expectedActions += actionCount * action_distribution[actionCount]
~~~~return expectedActions, action_distribution

expectedActions, action_distribution = runManyTimes(attemptLevel = 15)
print expectedActions
print action_distribution

edit: Evidently I can’t post things with leading spaces. Remove the tildes and put in spaces if you want to run the code.[/li]
edited by Guy Scrum on 12/5/2013[/quote]


Thanks! This is exactly the sort of thing I was wondering about. Here’s a follow-up question:

How does all this math change if you’re using the Life of the Mind options to grind MW (and thus also have to periodically grind Society connections each time you leave court to summon the Amanuensis) vs. using social options and being able to grind straight through?

400 CP. [/li][li]

So going by


then you can make that up in 12-14 actions or so, correct? That’s not so bad.

If it only gets you at most 10 cp of Making Waves, though, it’s pretty bad compared to sending out four private supper invitations for around ~24 cp.

The only things I can think of that beat private suppers are Schemes and receiving Christmas cards (5 cp for a spectacular 0 actions! And still 5 cp/action if you’re trading), but those aren’t really feasible as a primary MW grind since you need to wait for The Tower of Eyes or your buddy’s Time the Healer.

Grinding MW via “life of the mind” is also a good way to simultaneously grind stolen correspondence and proscribed material, too, though. Downside of course is the ~210 change points of Society that you lose going to court each time (which is, what, 5-7 actions?)

Well, the downside is really that you’re grinding MW at half the usual rate, so going from 0 to 5 before Time the Healer strikes becomes that much harder.

It is probably more profitable though than splitting your actions between grinding MW and grinding echoes. “Discuss the Arts” pays .91 echoes in goods, so we’d need a grind that pays at least 1.82 echoes in order to match that by alternating between it and private suppers.

Just use the Duchess connection for that, it isn’t useful for much more than this and getting you out of the Tomb-Colonies ^^ Especially if you have a Salon and you find yourself grinding ror Connected:Bohemians, the action &quotEntry to the Duchess Salon - Publish poetry in praise of the Duchess&quot gives 22 CP Bohemians and 10 CP The Duchess.

I doubt this is relevant, but The Unquiet Dead, Once More gives CP on a success (not sure about failure) although it does admittedly cost a bottle of Broken Giant.

[quote=Sackville]Well, the downside is really that you’re grinding MW at half the usual rate, so going from 0 to 5 before Time the Healer strikes becomes that much harder.

It is probably more profitable though than splitting your actions between grinding MW and grinding echoes. &quotDiscuss the Arts&quot pays .91 echoes in goods, so we’d need a grind that pays at least 1.82 echoes in order to match that by alternating between it and private suppers.[/quote]


For me right now it’s not just the echo value, it’s the specific goods – as a newly-minted POSI proscribed materials and stolen correspondence are exactly what I need for things like Parthaneum membership, strong-backed labor, etc.