Opportunity Card Timer Resets

As Mr. Pages would put it, this is an eventification of the highest splendiferitude!

Could we get more quality “reduction” items perhaps?

it’s oddball but they’re a good way to increase the odds of drawing what you desire.

I find those sorts of strategies more interesting.

Like deliberately using menace increasing items to get you into the menace areas, to then cheaply reduce your menaces.

great fun going against expectations.

[quote=Endy]Could we get more quality “reduction” items perhaps?

it’s oddball but they’re a good way to increase the odds of drawing what you desire.

Before I turn over my waiting cards I don my ridiculous hat. That way the cards I can play and may want to play might be something other than ‘almost impossible’.


[quote=Aryenke][quote=Endy]Could we get more quality “reduction” items perhaps?

it’s oddball but they’re a good way to increase the odds of drawing what you desire.

Before I turn over my waiting cards I don my ridiculous hat. That way the cards I can play and may want to play might be something other than ‘almost impossible’.[/quote]

Best I’ve found so far is the Ridiculous Hat, Rough Gown, Magician’s Gloves, Bottled Oblivion, Scuffed Boots and Talkative Rattus Faber.

-20 Dangerous, Persuasive, Shadowy and -21 Watchful

I can’t even imagine what the neighbors must think of me :)