On connections

There’s a Smoky Flophouse lodging card that also gives a boost in Connected: Criminals and Connected: Revolutionaries. I think it requires Dealing with Jack’s case.

It’s no longer available once you’re done with Jack’s case, but otherwise it’s not a bad option to up both Connections, neither of which are easy to come by.
I’m still pretty sure increasing your Connected: Criminals is possible while in Newgate.

It’s no longer available once you’re done with Jack’s case, but otherwise it’s not a bad option to up both Connections, neither of which are easy to come by.
I’m still pretty sure increasing your Connected: Criminals is possible while in Newgate.[/quote]

Actually, it depends on HOW you’re done with Jack’s case. I’ve got it well available as of now; that more than makes up for not having a statue of me in a square :)

Not sure how much cp it gives but visiting the Sardonic Music-Hall Singer or the Repentant Forger gives Connected Criminals and Bohemian

I thought I might have done something to offend the Criminals… and I’m very relieved to hear that there was indeed something recently woggy about those connections going on. For the edification of all, here is what I do know about thoe so recently fickle Criminal connections…

The Smokey flophouse requires you to have ‘Annoyance to Jack-of-Smiles’ and ‘Jacks gone Jacks still about’ to use the option that gains 10cp’s of Criminal connection - it is also 10cp’s that you get for selling information to a collegue in the Flit (which uses up x10 cp’s of casing).

Visiting the Repentant Forger gains x2 cp’s each in Criminal, Constables and Hell (plus x30 cryptic clues).

PS. It is very good to be back here in FL my Dear Mr. Overstreet! I do look forward to interacting with you socially in the near future, once I get my social contact lists up to date - given the somewhat odd changes that occured to it while I was away.