Not sure how to respond to the Mayor's wedding

There’s something I’ve been wondering about, because I’ve only seen a few clips on the web that didn’t give me a lot of info.

Is Feducci the once-dashing smuggler ?

( I hope I used that spoiler tag right. It doesn’t show that I did in the previews)

I…did NOT get that while doing that mini story, and I’m pretty sure that if that was the case, my poor character would be heartbroken. ><’

Just wanted to know how to respond. The &quotWedding&quot storylet is on my screen right now. :P

Not at all.

Oh no, don’t worry – Ferducci is a completely different SOB from the Once-Dashing Smuggler.

Oh, phew. Ok, then with that outta the way. chooses to take a nap