New Talk of the Town Option

I was pleasantly surprised to find this when I went through the “A Polite Invitation” party:

I do believe this is the first time I discovered something first in Fallen London. Feels good.[li]
edited by Saklad5 on 7/5/2016

Not to rain on your parade or anything, but the hint text for Public Attention does mention you can get it by attending parties. I actually attended a party yesterday and was disappointed I came up short on Talk of the Town. I’d notice the contrarian in the deck for the first time (I’m sure he was always there, I just hadn’t been to a party in a while and usually didn’t draw cards when I attended) and he wasted a bunch of my time remaining so I blame him for that failing. Just one more reason he must be defeated.

Forgive me, but as a new POSI I’m confused about how to get past 7 in the Polite Invitation shenanigans. I checked with the wiki and thought I was getting maximum change points for each round, but 7 was as high as I got. What am I missing? I’m sure it’s painfully obvious. Thanks!

You might be getting the maximum change points, it saves between each visit to the card, so it only goes up until you spend it.

Polite Invitation requires you to go through it two or three times before you get to claim a prize. This used to be super annoying, but with the rubbery and docks favours, not to mention the sheer item value at the end, it’s not a bad card.

Your Talk of the Town only goes away once you reach twelve and can cash it in.

Note that when you cash it in, you don’t lose all of it, but rather spend a fixed amount of cp. I have quite a bit banked at the moment, since I’m not in dire need of either cash-out.

Yes, there is usually 3-4 levels left over after you cash out, depending how close to 12 you were on the final run.
edited by Jermaine Vendredi on 12/13/2016

This is odd, I just finished another Polite Invitation but this new option didn’t appear, despite having 20 levels of Talk of the Town.
Does it only show up at a certain high or low amount? Or is there something else that I have missed?

[quote=Akernis]This is odd, I just finished another Polite Invitation but this new option didn’t appear, despite having 20 levels of Talk of the Town.
Does it only show up at a certain high or low amount? Or is there something else that I have missed?[/quote]

This was only available during the Election event earlier this year. As the election’s over now, the option’s gone too.

Ah, thanks so much, everyone!