New Soul Option on Brass Embassy broken?

(BTW, there’s a new option on the Brass Embassy card. You can try and burn a soul, costs one soul, It Could Go Either Way, success trades in the soul for a Brilliant Soul, failure is a Wounds decrease if Wounds >4, I think)

So this new option on the Brass Embassy doesn’t actually seem to use up the card; when I picked it, I was taken back to the card after the success text. Is this intentional, or a buggy buggy bug?

[quote=LordPaido](BTW, there’s a new option on the Brass Embassy card. You can try and burn a soul, costs one soul, It Could Go Either Way, success trades in the soul for a Brilliant Soul, failure is a Wounds decrease if Wounds >4, I think)

So this new option on the Brass Embassy doesn’t actually seem to use up the card; when I picked it, I was taken back to the card after the success text. Is this intentional, or a buggy buggy bug?[/quote]

Fairly sure it’s intentional, a seasonal gift allowing people to throw away souls for wounds reduction as long as they are willing to spend the actions and do it all at once.
edited by Frensus on 12/24/2014

I have a theory:

They’ve actually added two options on The Western Tower this season: one to throw souls into a fire, and another to sell your soul for the exact amount of night whispers and storm threnodies to buy one pail of “snow”. At first, there was only the soul-selling option. Most scrap-hoarders are used to opening their lodgings pages and thoughtlessly clicking the first option to collect scrap, but the scrap option’s position at the top had been replaced by the option to sell your soul. The consequence: a lot of people sold their souls by accident.

To protect these amateur relickers who deal carelessly with devils, Failbetter added yet another holiday-specific action while still keeping the soul-selling option in a prominent enough place that people might notice it. So: the soul-immolation option does not use up your card because Failbetter wants you to sell your own soul this Christmas, but don’t want you to do it by accident.