New Player.. What Should I Do With All This Stuff?

Figured I ask another question while I’m here…

Enjoying the game, but my major issue so far is trying to decide what to do with the myriad number of items I keep accumulating. Obviously, I imagine it depends on each individual item and my current circumstance, but (as far as I can tell) it essentially breaks down to either selling them to the Bazzar (sp?), or (for items I can use) waiting until I have a sufficient amount to satisfy the requirement to use them in some fashion (which seems for the most part to convert those items for more advanced items). Money (at least at first) seems pretty hard to come by, so outright selling them is obviously useful, but I have sneaking suspicion it’s better to hold on to them for their various uses. So, generally speaking, should I be selling the majority of the items I acquire, or is it better to keep them? Thanks.

Only sell them if you need to buy something. Keep them. Cling to them if your very life depends on it. And you will still want that you had more when the situation calls for it.

Money is overrated. Unless you want a goat or a cider.

[quote=Professor Strix]Only sell them if you need to buy something. Keep them. Cling to them if your very life depends on it. And you will still want that you had more when the situation calls for it.

Money is overrated. Unless you want a goat or a cider.[/quote]

Of course, most players want a goat and/or a Hesperidean Cider eventually.
That being said, I agree with the good Professor’s recommendation. You will want to acquire various items over time (e.g., different Lodgings), and the common commodities you are getting now will in many cases be things you will need, or at least be able to use, to pay for them. My packrat tendencies and the length of time I’ve been playing are among the reasons I have so much stuff today.

There’s really no limit to how much stuff you can accumulate, and most of the costs in the game are in items rather than echoes. (For example, one of the premium lodgings requires a ridiculous amount of Whispered Hints.) Plus, selling to the Bazaar rarely gives a reasonable price, and never a profit. Sell only when you must. Otherwise, accumulate.

[quote=Professor Strix]Only sell them if you need to buy something. Keep them. Cling to them if your very life depends on it. And you will still want that you had more when the situation calls for it.

Money is overrated. Unless you want a goat or a cider.[/quote]

Well, do remember that most of the best-in-slot items cost money, or use something that costs money as material. Until you are fully equipped, accumulating echoes is quite important.

Hoarding your items is also good for conversion into other items that you may lack.

While you are not yet a PoSI, menace reducing items are cheap and plentiful, and death/prison/madness/the Tomb-Colonies is generally not as bad as it may seem, especially at such a low level. The benefits from purchasing stat-increasing items is therefore limited. I suggest simply grind them up, save the items, cash them out only when needed.

If you need to sell something, it’s best to sell easily replaceable stuff like jade, pearls, rostygold, and bulk goods that are easy to grind.

You still shouldn’t sell them unless you have to, since they have their uses, but it’s better than selling something that requires an opportunity card to obtain. It’s a good idea to keep a small reserve of maybe 1000 of each bulk item just in case you need some.

The list is big, but I suggest taking a look at the PoSI crafting guide. Regarding 4 card lodgings, there are cheaper options to buy them instead of getting them directly from the bazaar. Expensive items, like Searing Enigma, have few usages so it’s easy to check wiki and see where and how many you’ll need.

Rostygold, Strong-Backed Labour and many other are required for item crafting so it’ll be best to start pilling them up so you won’t need to waste AP to get them back once you’re a PoSI. Cryptic clues can be converted later on using this options which has a nice rare success; this way you’ll get better value for them.

As for your gear, start with small ones which give a penalty to a stat, as they are cheaper; eventually you’ll have a specific set for your 4 skills, but don’t rush into it. Check the attribute specific items on wiki to pick up your best in slot, but keep in mind the costs, the extra bonus and the items usages. A good example is the pair of kifers; they have a +7 shadow, but the next best has +8 (excluding profession and Fate). They cost 400, but they can be used on Heists (for a good option), but the umbrella is 450 and has no usage.

The list goes on, but I think you get an idea of how things run.
Plus, I think all of us sold something at a bazaar just to find out later that it was a bad idea. :D

Cheers and happy hoarding!

Specifically regarding up-converting items, it’s likewise best to only do so when necessary. Plenty of things require small amounts of higher-tier items but plenty require large amounts of low-tier common items as well. As such it’s usually best to leave your inventory as-is unless you need something specific, whether money or items. For the lower-tier items you can convert small amounts up at a time if you need them; usually though it’s best to do the bulk conversion options as they’re much more action-efficient and still give a slight profit. It’s also possible to convert tier three items in a circle, 50 at a time, if you have a lot of some easier to obtain items (for example Tales of Terror!!) but fewer of something like Incendiary Gossip.

On a related note, don’t use the option in your lodgings to unlock new areas other than the carnival. All other areas can be unlocked in time for free by progressing through the Making Your Name frackers. In most cases there’s no point to unlocking areas early, as the content there will not yet be available or useful.

[quote=Optimatum]Specifically regarding up-converting items, it’s likewise best to only do so when necessary. Plenty of things require small amounts of higher-tier items but plenty require large amounts of low-tier common items as well. As such it’s usually best to leave your inventory as-is unless you need something specific, whether money or items. For the lower-tier items you can convert small amounts up at a time if you need them; usually though it’s best to do the bulk conversion options as they’re much more action-efficient and still give a slight profit. It’s also possible to convert tier three items in a circle, 50 at a time, if you have a lot of some easier to obtain items (for example Tales of Terror!!) but fewer of something like Incendiary Gossip.

On a related note, don’t use the option in your lodgings to unlock new areas other than the carnival. All other areas can be unlocked in time for free by progressing through the Making Your Name frackers. In most cases there’s no point to unlocking areas early, as the content there will not yet be available or useful.[/quote]
I thought mohogany hall was locked, due to the double tracker area issue- but i cannot say if that was truly the case, as i believed what you did too, before someone corrected me, and i had- have- no way of verifying their word.

That’s possible, I haven’t done trackers that far on either of my alts and I recall hearing a rumor to that effect. In general though trackers are the best way to unlock areas.

I usually only sell things when I need to buy something. You can sell things for money anytime but the reverse isn’t a good deal at all.

Eh, there’s a point where it is unless you’re really dedicated to obtaining a heptagoat or a hespirian cider, using money to get obscure items when you need them is a reasonable, if expensive, option.

Eh, there’s a point where it is unless you’re really dedicated to obtaining a heptagoat or a hespirian cider, using money to get obscure items when you need them is a reasonable, if expensive, option.[/quote]

I am not yet a PoSI or progressed too far, so to me it is better to accumulate goods for now if I need to use them. May be in the future when I can get anything I need by Unfinished Business I will start selling.

Eh, there’s a point where it is unless you’re really dedicated to obtaining a heptagoat or a hespirian cider, using money to get obscure items when you need them is a reasonable, if expensive, option.[/quote]

I am not yet a PoSI or progressed too far, so to me it is better to accumulate goods for now if I need to use them. May be in the future when I can get anything I need by Unfinished Business I will start selling.[/quote]
The thing to remember is some items are useless- parabola linen, for instance, is only good for two things for most players [closest to: tomb colonies and lodgings cash-in: 63 MW for 1 parabola linen], and both of them you can go through the entire game without ever doing. Sure, selling it and buying 1562 instances of prisoner’s honey isn’t exactly cheap, or a ideal use, but if you need prisoner’s honey now- say, because you want to turn your favors into renown in a hurry- it’s a very effective option.

Pre-selling is only really a good idea if you want to get rid of something fast, but expensive action-free conversions have their uses- especially when you need, say, an ungodly amount of prisoner’s honey, which seems to be almost impossible to get without active grinding in any real quantities.
edited by Grenem on 6/27/2016

I keep seeing &quotonly sell things when you’re looking to buy something&quot being said in this thread, but I’d like to point out ever so quickly, that (Certainly at least for me) when you’re a new player, you’re ALWAYS looking to buy something, you have nothing, and even the fairly basic 12 echo equipment looks freaking sweet and can help you progress so much faster, and while the people who have made 5 accounts might say that’s not necessary to do, keep in mind, if you’re playing for the first time, you actually WANNA see what happens next, not only that, but you wanna progress, you wanna explore and achieve. I would presume that no one starts fallen london with the mindset of &quotokay, time to grind me some stats&quot, you come in wanting to play out your characters story.

Plus, I would assume a decent number of people just wanna get the equipment to make their character come off as stylish/badass/thematic as possible.

To that end, I say this: Sell whatever you please, as it belongs to you and you can do whatever you wish with it, but keep in mind, every thing you sell this early in the game (EVERYTHING) You will need to find again at some point in the future, however (for the most part) it will be easier to get in the future as well.

Keep this in mind when selling, and take your agency in your own hands. Hoard, spend, do as you please, but do so wisely and with forethought.
edited by Neonir on 6/27/2016