New Login Page?

[quote=Spacemarine9]I like the fancy art, but the actual background wallpaper doesn’t have the same charm to it as the old one, I think. It’s… old wallpaper? With a city at the bottom for some reason? A city that isn’t even visible unless I zoom way out. Spooky fog is nicer looking!

Unless you have plans to turn Fallen London into an interior decorating sim, which I have no problems with, go ahead.[/quote]

It’s damask, presumably of the puzzle variety, and I’m a little unsure about it too. It doesn’t have the kind of eeryness of the old one… But this is the Internet, and we hate and fear change. I almost became a giant squid of anger upon seeing the exceptional hat intro–it’s so goofy and cartoony. But upon seeing the other options I do like the versatility. I just hope the lamppost tentacle stays around in some capacity, it is one of my favorite bits of art in the game.

A suggestion about the flock wallpaper / damask design - maybe make it more tentacle-y or sinister? Currently it looks a bit generic, and unrelated to the game!

I definitely like some of the new portrait designs, although I’d have to agree with the idea to put a plaque under the pictures. The Hat is probably my least favourite, with the Princess and Appalling Secret pictures tied for first place.

Unfortunately, each iteration is its own background image, as opposed to being built with CSS. This means that any stylistic changes would be reworking art assets instead of fiddling with parameters in existing code. They could change it to always use blank.jpg and then use CSS to layer over it, but that’s not likely to be a 5 minute effort.

Also, you don’t want to make changes while doing an A/B[/C, etc] test until you have enough statistically significant data. The more iterations you have, the more overall page hits you need to get that data.

I guess another point: it’s not about us. It’s about new players, new signups, and they’re letting the data do the talking. Granted, I know Alexis and team are grateful for feedback. I’m just trying to explain that it’s not trivial to change.

I like the new page, even with the hat. Though I find some of the other pictures, like the two devils or the blemmigan better. I don’t like the secrets, because the colour of the picture contrasts too much with the green background. I think the costermonger doesn’t reflect the strangeness of the world enough. I love the idea of a changing picture. I find that the one with the echoes contains too much text.

I like the new page fine. The only part about it I don’t like is that the &quotlog in with Twitter&quot button is much smaller, so I have to think a moment when I want to log in with my Twitter-based character. But that’s just a minor problem and I’ll get used to it.

I agree that Rubberies would make a splash, but a Master one might go over well too.

Also, I think it would be cool if you guys selected multiple of them, not just one, and make it a random thing which one loads.