My door's locked & no sign of the locksmith

In other words, I can’t log in and I’ve tried several times to reset my password, but I’ve not received the reset message.

Any suggestions?

If the message isn’t hiding in a spam folder I would recommend sending an email in to to see if they can sort this out.

Right after Sara’s reply, I sent an email to I received an automated reply, to which I replied with a restatement of the details to ensure they had enough.

I’ve heard nothing since. I’ve tried several times to reset my password and I’ve never received the email for that. I have no spam folder. In fact, I am the Postmaster for the mail server I use. I’ve searched the logs and find no records of any email to or from except for the 3 involved with my eamil to support.

This is frustrating to no end.

Your email problem might be linked to this issue. I’m not sure about the status of your support request, but if it isn’t closed I’m sure they’ll get to it once they can.

Thanks for pointing that out, Sara!

[color=#0066ff]We’re looking into this, but we have a small ticket backlog at the moment. Thanks for bearing with us![/color]

And I got a reset email and have logged in!