Mr Hearts' Devilled Hearts, possible rare success?

I happened to draw the Feast of the Rose card, and chose The Perfumed Pleasure Garden. I tried a couple of the options, and wasn’t paying terribly much attention at the time but am quite certain I used the action ‘Mr Hearts’ Devilled Hearts’.
Noticing that the rewards were rather different to usual, I checked the wiki but couldn’t see it there.

I’m assuming it’s a Rare Success that others simply haven’t encountered and entered on the site, but I’m not so skilled with the wiki itself, nor did I want to upload anything without checking that I’d gotten it right.

Possible lore spoilers under the cut:

I suspect I may have found something new. :3

In case the image doesn’t load, the journal entry is- , and amongst other things the action provided the ‘Alight with Passion’ mood.

Possibly new. The only other rare mood source listed on the wiki is Dance with a mysterious stranger, which looks different than what you got. If you’re sure this was from Mr Hearts’ Devilled Hearts option we can certainly update the wiki so.

Congrats on the mood!!

I swear this was around in the first year of this version of the Feast of the Exceptional Rose, though if so it’s strange that it wasn’t listed on the wiki already. Regardless, congrats on the Rare success! It’s definitely one of the rarer ones to trigger.

edited by Sara Hysaro on 2/20/2016

I can confirm that this is a rare success on Mr Hearts’ Devilled Hearts as i have also gotten this rare success as well as several normal successes and failures

Wait a second: this is an exciting discovery. If a vake-hunting Glassman or Watcher who’s sufficiently advanced in the Underground Leagues were to get both of these mood-granting rare successes, and also draw BOTH mood cards, it would be theoretically possible to attain…

[color=#cc99ff]…MAXIMUM HAT.[/color]

[quote=metasynthie]Wait a second: this is an exciting discovery. If a vake-hunting Glassman or Watcher who’s sufficiently advanced in the Underground Leagues were to get both of these mood-granting rare successes, and also draw BOTH mood cards, it would be theoretically possible to attain…

[color=#cc99ff]…MAXIMUM HAT.[/color][/quote]
Always was theoretically possible, but now it’s a lot more theoretically feasible, since before it’d require to draw 2 1/5 standard rarity draws after having both of the same draws in your hand.

Now it just requires two rare successes on command in 24 (plus any coffees and feasts you might have) actions. or 1, if you hold onto the cards until you get a success.

[quote=metasynthie]Wait a second: this is an exciting discovery. If a vake-hunting Glassman or Watcher who’s sufficiently advanced in the Underground Leagues were to get both of these mood-granting rare successes, and also draw BOTH mood cards, it would be theoretically possible to attain…

[color=#cc99ff]…MAXIMUM HAT.[/color][/quote]

Team Fortress 2 flashbacks intensify

Now that it’s possible, we must guess that having all four moods at once is the way to get paramount presence. It makes no sense, but maybe if I say it someone will think it’s true and do it.

So the only way to do this is an option available to us less than 24 hours from now, this year?

EDIT: Also, you are thinking too fast for me. Could you explain what is that &quotGlassman-Vake hunter&quot and how did we get to the new maximum?
edited by Gonen on 2/21/2016

Vake-hunters (those with Ambition: Bag a Legend) get access to a hat that nobody else does, the Deafening Hat. Similarly, if you’re either a Watcher or a Glassman you get one of two hats only available to those professions. Another hat is only available if you have the Red-Robed Monk as your early-game mentor, although you can reset that for 8 Fate. Then there are the 12 Knife & Candle “hats” (which actually look like medals), four of which you can get at any given time by advancing in a particular Order.

Lastly, there’s the Archaeologist’s Hat, which I recall having at one point. I believe they were taken away. And the Primitive Hat, which I still have but which I think is unobtainable now. I’m not a Vake-Hunter, but I suppose for the sake of Maximum Hat I might consider chomping some leaves? Nah, probably not.

I will say that I am already at MAXIMUM BOOT and nothing very Paramount has happened at all.

But Boots are just Boots. Boots are the smallest category, and it’s been possible for a long time. MAXIMUM GLOVE isn’t too hard either, and one would think the Sultan of Gloves would show up – but no. And only NiteBrite can really comment on the possibilities of having a maximal amount of Companions… or as I like to think of it: MAXIMUM PARTY

I do have a Vake-hunting Glassman alt with the two mood cards banked in her hand on top of past involvement with the Red-Robed Monk, though she isn’t nearly far enough into K&C to try to achieve MAXIMUM HAT this year.

Judging by the mood text though, it sounds like you might lose all of the moods when one times out, which is a bit of a shame.