Mr. Eaten Sacks (SPOILERS)

Yes, a whole card dedicated to him.

Oh yes.

Is it the “At your window” card?
Edit: ah yes, I see now.
edited by Fhoenix on 1/19/2013

Look closer, look closer, and surely you’ll find, you’ll surely find the Name.

My character is not actually seeking the Name. As much as I want to, the action would be incompatible with how I roleplay him. But as a player… this is a fascinating read. It’s a pity, that so few of the players have a chance to read these words. So beautifully written, to say nothing of the insights.

Absolutely, and I totally understand there being in-character reasons not to. That being said, I like the idea that those with the most access to this content are those who have, in-game, sacrificed for it.

[quote=an emptiness][This post has been chewed, and swallowed.]

How very many spaces there are in a breath.
Look at the wick, where it burns hottest.
Sometimes, stars.
Outside, it is night.
There is an echo in my mouth, among the ashes.[/quote]

To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, creeps in this petty pace from day to day, to the last syllable of recorded time; and all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death.
Get out of here, Mr Eaten!

It strikes me that people are done to death or worse by the Bazaar every day of the week, but only a Master could be so presumptuous, so demanding, and so entitled as to keep on harassing folks and destroying lives afterwards.

So is the prevailing view that Mr Eaten itself gobbles up these posts? Because that’s really not the way I’d interpreted it at all.

(Apologies for butting in, by the way. Hello, everyone!)


Yes, Fhoenix.

And I just got a better understanding of what kind of information might be… swallowed, on the forum, when it comes to Mr Eaten. I’ll remember. Sorry for this indiscretion. :)

If anyone asked for the name, and still has that text somewhere, might they be willing to share it? The wisest way would seem to be private correspondence.

However, no private Correspondence please. I don’t want my hair alight again! :)

I had the same problem:) Sent you a message.

I had the same problem:) Sent you a message.[/quote]

Uhm, could I be partaken of the secret too?
edited by streetfelineblue on 1/21/2013

Here you go.

Could I see the results as well?

I as well. I asked it what it desired, which turned out to be somewhat unwise, informative, but unwise, like so many things in the Neath. Those that aren’t uninformative and unwise.

Big oops. Singed playing cards require Prisoner’s Honey, not Cryptic Clues. Glasses of Teeth require Cryptic Clues. I will exchange a glass for a card, or a glass for a glass, but I’m not prepared to run completely out of honey. Those who have gifted me with cards so far will get cards, however.

I was intimidated by the Masters’ letter to give up Seeking Mr. Eaten’s Name pretty early on, and I only got started on the quest from a visit by Mr. Sacks. Is there any way to start seeking the name again?

Are you Free of the Name? If so, then you are barred from the search. Technically you may start it again, but you will be forever stuck at 1.

Darn. It seems I shall never know. Perhaps it is for the better, getting as far as I did gave me rather severe drops in my stats. But I will be forever wondering.