Most OOC thing your character has purposely done?

Now that I think about it, I realized I forgot the most OOC action of all…participating in an Infernal Hunt! Sweet Flesh-Stick, who hates devils and throws himself in harm’s way to protect others, participating in an Infernal Hunt?? Say it ain’t so!

He was terribly besotted with the Once-Dashing Smuggler at the time and didn’t want to turn him down when invited out for this particular date. He felt filthy afterward and thanked his lucky stars the quarry escaped.

Never again!

To be honest, my main didn’t do many OOC things, there are choices I regret but they weren’t OOC, I guess it’s easier for us who are already on the revolutionary side and are also criminals heh.

Well, my main, who is painfully nice to a fault, blew up the cheesemonger and her daughter. I did it so I could get POSI, but I played it out as her believe this was the only way to keep the cheesemonger from perma-killing countless others, she’s still broken-up about it, poor dear.

Whilst we’re on this cheesy topic, my main OOC moment is deciding to assist the Cheesemonger in her… dangerous plans, as the GG is my main faction. They still try to calm themselves with that nothing came out of it, and so on, so forth.

I tend not to think about all the thievery that the game play encourages in Spite and The Flit. It’s totally OOC for me to steal from honest people.

I do sometimes adjust my character to fit game choices, though. I became a Watcher because it was the “detective” option, but eventually I became an Agent and then a Midnighter. I wound up Closest To the Great Game because I sold them the route to the Nadir, and I want to break that tie, but I can’t because you have to desecrate a shrine to St. Joshua, and as a Midnighter it’s my responsibility to maintain the sacred shrine. :-/

Owning a old fashioned, thought to be haunted manor.
Getting arrested before reaching master thief 10.
Sending cards out of character.
Following a name scrawled in blood.

Well… some VERY early things… and actually progressing in persuasive would be this for Maria… and of course, I took the being bound by oaths as the closest to, with toasts, while she probably would actually toast herself… screwed up there… if there just was an option to change toasts…

Whenever my character has to increase his notability or asist social events.

I like to think that Fincar, being a rather shadowy individual, is a bit more of a private person than someone who goes to parties as regularly. Not that he would isolate himself of course, after all one always tends to needs more paw… I mean friends

Definitely all the vicars and coalmen I fed to that plant. But if we’re allowed to pick a second, it would probably be owning a gang of hoodlums/any of the general criminal favour/renown options.

My character has been pretty pro-constable ever since his early days making a living as a detective on Ladybones Road. As time went on, I certainly found myself participating in plenty of unlawful activities, but I kept them more related to spycraft and the Great Game than common burglary or robbery. I’d gladly liberate censored material from the Ministry of Public Decency, undermine a plot of the Masters, or blow up a statue here and there, all while helping bring in footpads and arsonists that harass the common folk as a member of the Velocipede squad. In essence, support the constables, undermine the special constables.

Getting my shadowy up without harming innocents was tricky at first, but over time, more espionage related options opened up. This was before the rework to making your name hit, so I don’t know what acts are actually required to progress that plot, as I didn’t choose to replay it. Now I try to justify the gang of hoodlum, and various lies for weeping pickpockets as building a network of informants.

Intentionally decreasing UP to 0.

As someone who played Sunless Sea first I cannot unassociate UP with being a cannibal. I never intended it to become unaccountably peckish, it just happened, and then continued to happen. Being a closet cannibal just became part of the characters twisted tale through the Neath.

When the Seeking the Name switched back on I was at UP 10 from the start, and while my character is Seeking, I was in the middle of stuff and kinda needed my opportunity cards to do them.

I think all of my characters have had moments where they had to do something they wouldn’t normally do, but I’d say those were less them acting OOC and more them simply acting outside their comfort zones for a bit in order to achieve some larger goal (usually gaining resources or connections they need for the pursuits that actually interest them).

All the scholarly things Zero has been involved in? Purely to help with finding his brother’s killer, as well as all the other fringe benefits that knowledge provides. Also, Zero is pretty firmly gay, but I distinctly remember a moment in his spy work where he had to seduce a woman to distract her (I imagine he felt pretty dirty about it afterwards).

Everything artistic Cairn has ever done? Usually to curry favour with high society types, or to attract the affection of whoever they’re trying to seduce at the moment.

Everything even remotely civil Thysania has ever done, and all the work she’s ever done for any of the Masters? Always just to gain resources (resources that will ultimately feed into her deranged bloodlust in some way).

As for my main, Soran, it’s a little harder for them to act OOC, since they have a wider variety of interests than the other three. Though it is interesting to note that, despite having literally no levels of Ruthless at the moment and a Magnanimous of 10 (which ties them with Zero for my most magnanimous character), they have done some shockingly nasty things in the past (all the stuff you have to do to get a Gang of Hoodlums, for instance). I guess that stuff can be chalked up to them being so jaded, burnt out, and soulless. That, and all the little sins (petty theft, mingling with devils) they allow themself that can lead down a slippery slope to worse things (becoming a straight-up criminal mastermind, feeding vicars to a man-eating plant).

The very end of the Fidgeting Writer carousel has the option of helping the Writer which I almost never do. Also, one of the Fate options for Mr. Sacks involves dragging him into your Lodgings for other academics and yourself to do research on it. My character should be far too kind to that, but my own greed compels me to keep harvesting those souls.
edited by Blaine Davidson on 7/9/2016

Repeatedly seducing a Curate for the boost! I just try to blank it out from my mind.

Permanently and violently splattering somebody all over a wall when I didn’t mean to…
And then doing it again on a repeat.

I can usually justify little OOC things as part of my character’s proficiency for acting or just purely working to survive, but… jeeze. This will and has taken a lot of very complex explaining away =u=

The Goom-meister follows no laws, rules, traditions or so. As such, he has lived his Neathy, undead life without regrets or scrupulous. YOL…no, not saying that, nope.
edited by Sir Goomy on 7/10/2016

There are two. Neither are &quotmoral&quot, but both are things I’d change in retrospect.

The first one is simple. In a fairly early story about devils and constables. The other one is in Flint. Spoilers for both below.

I sided with the devils. Typically, my character does everything he can to annoy or cripple them. In Flint, letting the burly woman, I can’t remember the name, live. My character is already completely consumed by vengeance (Nemesis), and she got in my way repeatedly, thus deserving death

edited by Ruddertail on 7/9/2016

List of Sins (OOC Actions): Murdering those spies permanently (though I can reason that one out- they were surface powers looking to meddle with the Neath, there was no other way to stop them), misclicks which made me betray both the Artist’s Model and Jewel Thief (those don’t count in my mind, it wasn’t a real choice). The most egregious however is probably my character repeatedly giving souls to Hell during grinds which is compounded by the fact that I’m a Shepherd (Though I guess I could ‘steal’ them back later through Heists, as a way of justifying it). Though I do remember someone saying that OCC actions merely added character depth because you then have to justify why your character did them. So too with these (except for the misclicks).[li]

Key’s most OOC action was probably gaining a gang of hoodlums . he is willing to tolerate indeviduals (including himself, but he has excuses like ‘those souls belong inside people, not bottles!’) but he hates organised crime, like that of the cheery man and the gracious widow. from in game perspective, his hubris got the best of him and now he is stuck with who-knows-how-much petty thugs following him around, with him giving them harsh ‘life lessons’ every time they pester him.

The most OOC thing my character could ever do is selling vials of tears of the bazaar.

The most OOC thing he has done is turning in Airag for MW, twice.

Anything else is fair play, if not always what he’d choose. his loyalties are to gathering the [sorrow poisons], and nothing else.

On the flip-side, the most IN-Character thing he hasn’t been able to do, and is incapable of doing, is dipping his own soul, outside his body, in lacre. Poof
edited by Grenem on 7/19/2016