Menace areas according to Preference

So far I’m visiting each menace areas on purpose for fun.[li]

Anyways, my question is whether my observations are correct or if things will get more interesting with stats higher than the 30’s when I stay in these areas for a little while.

  1. Suspicion - probably my favorite menace area. Good stat and connection grinding storylets and got a nice friend as well. There are also opportunity cards here that lessens other menaces which is awesome.
  2. Scandal - more annoying than the other area since the grind storylet actually lets you increase scandal if you win it. Fortunately I have a Talkative Rattus Faber to help me fail it. The opportunity cards also give nightmares which is bad. I did get some good vibes with the Tomb Colonies so the trip is worth it.
  3. Wounds - I probably won’t be able to visit this area for a long time since I tend to sleep my wounds off to get a chance to reduce nightmares. Still, if there are means to reduce nightmares and scandals through this area then I might want to die for a while.
  4. Nightmares - Well I came here from TVTropes and they tag going to the Nightmares area as a Fate Worse than Death so I really want to avoid this area as much as possible. Still, if there’s something useful to gain there then I might be persuaded to visit the menace area.

Nightmares really isn’t that bad. I found the Mirror-Marches neat, and the State of Some Confusion has a really funny line if you’re a Bringer of Death. The Slow Boat is the menace area I like the least, but even that isn’t terrible. ^^
edited by Sara Hysaro on 12/10/2013

I have to echo Sara’s opinions. There are two Menace States for Nightmares, and while one does result in a decrease in Dream qualities, it’s certainly a stretch to call it a Fate Worse Than Death. Honestly, Death is the most inconveniencing of Menaces, in my eyes.

Well if being insane isn’t that bad then I wouldn’t mind visiting those areas. Looks like the Wounds area is the least acceptable of the four. Fortunately, it’s the easiest one to avoid.

I think the mention of a “fate worse than death” in the TVTropes page might have been referring to the time when there were no Mirror Marches and the State of Some Confusion removed the Dreams qualities altogether. Things have gone better since then. Either that or the troper really, REALLY disliked it :)

Personally I only ever saw New Newgate and the Tomb-Colonies, and the prison is comparatively more fascinating, with that creepy atmosphere and the strange creatures lurking in the dark corners. The Tomb-Colonies are designed to describe a dull, boring place by design, though interesting encounters may be made there too. Also, I read the description of the Mirror-Marches storylets and cards and they seem tasty. Only I never seem to have time to actually get there, I’m always grinding one thing or the other T.T

Hmmm! Good question. New Newgate is a harsh, dangerous place, but connections and even friends can be made, and the very lucky can escape early - so I think I’d have all my characters visit at least once, even if only to play out a story of being arrested in a false identity, meeting the Forger and breaking out again. The Tomb-Colonies, well, they’re not so bad - some amiable company if you’re careful with the cards, and you can bribe your way out or use some of the cards unlocked with contacts. The Royal Beth… I haven’t actually gone mad and been sent there very much. It’s not the worst place to go - you’re still in London, and out of danger, and you don’t lose anything you can’t get back. The Mirror-Marches are actually rather fun - more of a holiday than anything, unless there’s something you desperately need to do this side of the mirrors. The slow boat is a grim slog, as it should be.

I quite enjoyed my visits to each of the menace areas, they’re all atmospheric, and full of interesting things… the first time. After that the novelty was gone :p
I like the two Nightmare areas least simply because I don’t want to lose any of my dreams, they take too long to build up, and I’d rather not spend my honeyed laudanum. The Mirror Marches are far preferable to State of Some Confusion, but you still lose some dream quality (I can’t recall which one, but I’m pretty sure visiting the Marches damages something when you leave? Or does it only take Memories of Light now?)

Wounds, for me, is the least “menacing” menace area, the Boatman seems like a decent sort, always ready for a game :D Though if you’re playing Knife and Candle then I think dying takes your tokens? Or some of them? Unsure.

[quote=Inky Petrel]I quite enjoyed my visits to each of the menace areas, they’re all atmospheric, and full of interesting things… the first time. After that the novelty was gone :p
I like the two Nightmare areas least simply because I don’t want to lose any of my dreams, they take too long to build up, and I’d rather not spend my honeyed laudanum. The Mirror Marches are far preferable to State of Some Confusion, but you still lose some dream quality (I can’t recall which one, but I’m pretty sure visiting the Marches damages something when you leave? Or does it only take Memories of Light now?)

Wounds, for me, is the least &quotmenacing&quot menace area, the Boatman seems like a decent sort, always ready for a game :D Though if you’re playing Knife and Candle then I think dying takes your tokens? Or some of them? Unsure.[/quote]

I THINK dying takes away all of your Knife-and-Candle tokens, though now it’s easier to just get one back (even without invitation I think it’s just 100 Whispered Secrets at the Gamekeeper’s Cottage) and then just wait for a couple Senses of Urgency to give you a small stash back. The Mirror Marches should take… Some of the &quotIs Someone There?&quot dream quality, I think?

Going to A State of Some Confusion costs a small amount of all your dream qualities. Going to the Mirror Marches costs only Is Someone There? The Boatman will relieve you of any Iron Knife Tokens you may be carrying, but will not touch your Prize tokens or K&C paraphernalia.

I agree with Inky Petrel’s comment that every Menace area is interesting and fun to visit once. I’d particularly recommend A State of Some Confusion, which is one of the funniest areas in Fallen London. Repeated visits are less fun, but that’s okay: they can almost always be avoided, and, well, they’re Menace areas.
edited by Flyte on 12/10/2013

I’m partial to the tomb colonies mostly as that’s only way I ever get to see the Dashing Ex-Smuggler anymore. Sadly, as I’ve gotten older I’ve gotten helplessly more respectable.

As a Seeker I did visit 3 of the menace areas several times at one stage of the quest. But apart from one I have avoided them since.

The Mirror Marches - just love the place

New Newgate isn’t too bad and can build criminal and docks connections
The Slow Boat - used to be my favourite until it took your K&C tokens, I enjoyed playing chess with the Boatman, but as I am in the Moon League that is not too bad
The Tomb Colonies - you get to see the Once dashing Smuggler and can pick up an interesting Fate-locked pet
The Royal Beth - don’t think I have ever been as I got Memories of Light before the first time I went mad. Maybe I should step through that mirror next time I’m in the Mirror Marches.

New newgate: Really fun the first two or three times. But when i visit the place daily from betrayals its not that enjoyable.

The boat: Thanks to being in the moon league i can quite enjoy this place. I dont come here without reason but when i do i like staying for chess.

The Tomb Colonies: Only been here once! Was scary and also intriguing. I have sent several friends there though thanks to some absinthe heavy nights. Hehe.

Royal beth: Its interesting but quite punishing. Not enough lore sadly for me to get really intrigued.

Mirror marches: I have no words. Parabola is amazing. Thats the only words i got.[li]

Edit: Id love to see more &quotHidden&quot Menace areas simmilar to the Mirror marshes.
edited by Blackleaf on 12/10/2013

New Newgate is, for me, really just a boring time out until I can get back to the fun things. I have terrible luck drawing the cards I need to break out early and it’s just kind of a slog otherwise, as I don’t particularly prize connections to the lower forms of existence.

Tomb-Colonies: As above, but generally going by quicker, offering more interesting tidbits of story while I’m there, and with the option to claim a tomb lion for my very own. I don’t mind it.

Boat: chess chess chess equipment management chess chess chess

Mirror-Marches: I love this place. Wish I could stay longer, even. Don’t like losing my dream qualities at all though (even if it’s not as punishing as the Royal Beth).

Royal Beth: I have a room there! Seriously though, haven’t been since I was a whelp. Maybe I’ll visit again some time if I can get my hands on some special laudanum.

You will lose those when you return to London without any knife tokens.

Isn’t that only if you are in the Iron League? I think that being in the Moon League gives you some protection.

But I haven’t died since I started playing K&C so don’t know for sure.

I think if you have a Moon League token you can Perhaps Not out of it and be fine. At least, that was how it was when I obtained Cerise’s Candle.

Scandal is easiest, especially with the 0 action autoplay update. Wounds is next easiest, I just beat the Boatman until I’m alive again. Prison is inconvenient to leave and I’ve only been to a State of Some Confusion once and plan never to go back because I value my dreams progress.

The mirror marches are actually quite fun. Probably because you can grind memories of light there, and because the high number of red opp. cards means you hardly spend any time there at all if you engineer things so that you empty your action pool playing the ivory frame and can then play a full deck of auto-fires for free.

The tomb-colonies are similar but there’s nothing to get unless you’re looking for a tomb lion and all the storylets cost something or, at my persuasive, are a bad idea. If the persuasive check on a letter to a trusted friend scaled like the chess with the boatman and could be optimized I’d like it a lot more.

New Newgate is probably my least favorite among the ones I actually end up in. I have horrible luck with escaping and there are fewer auto-fire cards in general, so I tend to spend a lot of actions there.

The Royal Beth and a slow boat are places I haven’t visited in quite a while, so I can’t really say for either of them.

Mirror marches are my preferred way to get rid of nightmares, as long as I manage my opp deck to be sure I won’t lose anything I’ve been saving. I enjoy it there. It’s my little neathy getaway with the ruins and the cats and orchids and such.

Chess with the boatman is dull, but I slog through it. I avoid the boatman as much as possible, maybe twice there. It seems the more chess-time you log, the quicker you get through it.

I haven’t been to the Royal Beth since I newbishly visited the hall of mirrors. Maybe I should jump in there next time I hit the mirror marches.

Tomb colonies is very well written and a good chance to push your connection up. I tend to whittle it away on the Elderly Baronet.

New Newgate I tend to see more than any, as suspicion is tough to avoid. I treat it as a slot machine - hope for the escape, otherwise manage my opp deck to get the good cards and get out of there. (e.g. Governor). And there’s dock/criminal connections to grind, also handy for that Acacia/Butterfly card with the sweet, sweet strong-backed labor.

So preference?
Mirror Marches
New Newgate
Tomb Colonies

  • Royal Beth - unqualified.

The nice thing about the Mirror Marches is that if you do the implacable detective’s business card / deranged medium, and just leave it &quotparked&quot in the right place, then each time you mess up and go through Nightmare-land you can pick up 30 memories of light and (with luck) an Antique Mystery, gratis.[li]

I haven’t figured out any similar tricks with the other menace areas.
edited by Dr. Hieronymous Alloy on 12/10/2013