Mapping Fallen London - Spoilers of a Sort

Is the Royal Naval College not a more likely candidate for the Department of Menace Eradication, given its military associations?

Also re Moloch Street- the Canaanite god Moloch was associated with child sacrifice in ovens, so it fits as a macabre version of Baker Street.

Well, this tweet shows the Department in a wide shot that includes both, so… maybe! Maybe it’s both. The building that appears in Sunless Sea looks more like the Queen’s House, but is also much closer to the river - but, hey, Sunless Sea has a great deal of space compression overall, so… eh!

Niiiiice catch re: Moloch. Exactly the sort of gothic detail that suits Fallen London.

Ah, I hadn’t seen that picture. It actually shows the whole National Maritime Museum complex of which the Queen’s House is a part, with the Naval College behind it as you say. I think collectively they were the HQ of the Royal Navy in the 19th century so yeah, the DoME probably encompasses everything.

Source: used to work in the Queen’s House art gallery.

Also I can’t see if it’s been mentioned anywhere but Summerset College is presumably a reference to Somerset House, which is connected with Kings College London.[i]

edited by Lord Hoot on 4/26/2015

Neat! And, yeah, I figured Somerset House was the connection - and that Benthic was a suitably zee-tinged corruption of “Benthamic.”

I figured I should post some of the information about the old, retired Shortcut qualities since not many people have them, and they specify a little more about the location of some of the streets mentioned in this thread.

Childcake Street: A shortcut between Veilgarden and Spite
Alleys behind Big King Square: A shortcut between Spite and Ladybones Road
The Rendering Yards: A shortcut between Veilgarden and Ladybones Road

and then there are the Watchmaker’s Hill shortcuts, which all have a different icon in the Route qualities – possibly because Watchmaker’s Hill is on the other side of the river? Not sure – perhaps they’re on the way to bridges.

Sorrywell: A shortcut between Watchmaker’s Hill and Ladybones Road
Stonymonk Street: A shortcut between Watchmaker’s Hill and Veilgarden

Bad Monkey Row: A shortcut between Watchmaker’s Hill and Spite

Some of these are easier to place on a map than others, due to distance; they all seem to show up here and there in the game’s content. But thought it might be interesting!

You can see the Bad Monkey Row one on my profile at the moment: it’s not a delusion after all! (I’ve used this shortcut myself, back in the days when travelling cost actions.)

[color=#009900]oh, and we thought those were safely retired! [fistshake][/color]
[color=#009900]Alas, those shortcut details are now totally misleading - they predate the very first map of Fallen London. You may be seeing a more detailed map of FL in the nearish future… and you may see some of these street names on it.[/color]

Ah, well - they’re still a fascinating bit of FL meta-history, and cheers very much metasynthie for compiling them!

Muahahah! The Labyrinth Runner strikes again, polluting the sanctity of your cryptocartography! Or well, putting too much faith into the possibility that you had a map laid out six years ago that’s still relevant :D You’d think I’d know better


I’ve made a map of Fallen London using this 1850’s map of London and overlaying the locations as you all have described. Feel free to correct me as my knowledge of London as a city is next to nothing.
edited by IgnatuStone on 6/4/2015

[quote=IgnatuStone]I’ve made a map of Fallen London using this 1850’s map of London and overlaying the locations as you all have described. Feel free to correct me as my knowledge of London as a city is next to nothing.
edited by IgnatuStone on 6/4/2015[/quote]

Psst! It’s Mrs. Plenty’s Carnival (at least that’s what she’s calling herself these days), but overall very well done! I hope those more ‘in the know’ re: Victorian London will contribute to add more places!

Here’s an edited version which showcases the original better. I really admire the quality of the map. You can also see the smaller annotations. I will continue editing it as requested.

edited by Ignatius Basalt on 3/1/2021

That’s awesome - thank you! I see you’ve labelled the Royal Beth - I’d also add that if my speculation as to the identity of the Marsh House is correct, it’s on Marsh Lane, just under the M in your Bugsby’s Marshes label. Also, Old Newgate sits at (or, indeed, under, as only its cellars remain) the corner just north-west of St Fiacre’s. So, along with the Beth and the Bazaar that’s four of the lodgings mapped!

Here’s a slightly sketchy possibility: there is a Victorian pub at the Southern end of the Isle of Dogs (ie Wolfstack Docks) called the Lord Nelson. A possible match for the Blind Helmsman?
edited by Lord Hoot on 6/7/2015

Does the older Newgate Prison ever feature in the Fallen London universe?

Also have you considered that the London Orphan Asylum may be The Orphanage, and Big King Square might be soho square.
edited by IgnatuStone on 6/7/2015

The Deep Cellars of Old Newgate is a Remote Lodging, available for purchase at Sacksmas, the Christmas-time event.

Looking at the labelled map, I have to ask… did Bugsby’s Marsh and Greenwich trade places when London Fell?

Well in real life Bugsby’s Marsh is right beside the Greenwitch Marshes, but the developers labeled the entire thing as Bugsby’s Marsh on the in-game map. Probably because Greenwich was too well known.

I reckon a lot of the ‘marshes’ kind of bleed together now that there’s, y’know, an adjacent sea right there.

[this is also the underlying rationale behind why my character’s 'hood is &quotBlackfen-on-Zee&quot, though obviously that’s just fanfictiony wordnerd enthusiasm and not Holy Canon ;)]

D’oh! IgnatuStone, I realize I skimmed over the link to your map and hadn’t seen it – my query about the Marsh was not aimed at your map, but the map on the first page. Your map has Bugsby’s Marsh in the correct location, but the map on page 1 [the one that looks like the official map, but labelled] that seems to be wrong. Sorry for the confusion!

This would be my guess - between the river reshaping itself and the zee rushing in, there’s a lot more swampland than there used to be!