Making Waves in a Watchful Way

A note about the Searing Enigma>Making Waves trade mentioned above: I /strongly/ recommend that you hold off on that until you have an Impossible Theorem. You need 49 of the things to get one, and it’s a pretty long grind to get them.

[quote=WormApotheote]A related question, are there any repeatable storylets that give making waves that AREN’T the ones in the court?

Obvs. I could rely on heists/expeditions/parties when they turn up and social actions but is there anything like the single action storylet that gives +1 cp mw on success?
edited by WormApotheote on 9/12/2014[/quote]
There’s some in the Singing Mandrake in Veilgarden that lets you write various types of poems in exchange for making waves. I seem to recall that they play merry hell with your Connections though.