Looking for exciting endgame activities

I hope that you have a splendid day, delicious friends.

I recently came into the possession of a Firkin of Hesperidean Cider. Unfortunately deathlessness proved to be a rather mixed blessing.
By now I have seen almost everything that is done in the Neath and I’m afraid I find it all to be futile, a pursuit of the wind.
So I’m in dire need of an activity to productively fill my evenings and combat my growing life-weariness.
Could you be so kind to advise admirable aims to strive for?

I think all the standard accomplishments are already covered.
(Scholar of the Correspondence 21, Putting the Pieces Together: the Drownies 3, Enigma 2, Splotch of Irrigo Ink, Eggshell Painted Black, An Experienced Zailor 10, Fearsome Duellist 10, Master Thief 10, Defender of Truth, Prophet of the Gutter, Cardinal of Conspiracy, )

My connected qualities are Bohemian 1360, The Great Game 760, The Church 762, Hell 928, Revolutionaries 927, Constables 757, Society 2098, The Widow 160, The Duchess 229, The Masters 17, Benthic 24 and Summerset 26.

  1. Bohemian, Great Game, Church, Hell, Revolutionaries, Constables and Society should be high enough to reach renown 50, shouldn’t they?
  2. What’s the best way to raise Widow, Benthic and Summerset? Only &quotA colleague with a problem&quot for the latter?
  3. Is there at all a way to raise Masters outside of seasonal content like Hallowmas and Christmas?
  4. My Renown values are Criminals 46, Docks 48, Tomb-Colonies 48, Rubbery Men 45 and Urchins 50. At the moment there is no way to increase it given that moods are disabled, right?
  5. Any ideas for qualities worth raising? Are there for example ways to rise &quotA Bringer of Death&quot above 5 and &quotDuelling with the Black Ribbon&quot above 6?
  6. Exciting items worth collecting? I already store at least one piece of every non fate-locked item. (For instance I hoarded 257 magnificent diamonds and 145 direful reflections.)

Warmest Regards and thank you for your consideration.
I beg to remain, your most humble and obedient servant,


  1. Probably not the University ones, but the rest likely will get 50.
  2. That’s the best one for the University. For the widow, there’s the &quotWorking for the Widow&quot storylets in Spite. They’re airs based but you’ll get ~7 CP per action.
  3. Moods aren’t disabled anymore.
  4. Dueling Feducci should raise your Black Ribbon quality limitlessly.
  5. Sure you got all the Relicker items? All the 3200 scrap ones are unique and can’t be obtained any other way, and some of the 680 ones are unique too.

Now that you’ve got a Cider the next logical super expensive item is a Heptagoat.
edited by Kaijyuu on 5/28/2017

Connected: Masters can be increased if you enjoy membership of a special club. Failing that an invitation from a member will see you there.

(It won’t be free, though. Bring romantic notions by the thousands. By the tens of thousands!)

Try for the noman tattoo this year. That’s been my goal for the past several months.

Also If you feel like investing even more time, then try for the heptagoat.
edited by IgnatuStone on 5/28/2017

[quote=Teaspoon]Connected: Masters can be increased if you enjoy membership of a special club. Failing that an invitation from a member will see you there.

(It won’t be free, though. Bring romantic notions by the thousands. By the tens of thousands!)[/quote]
For some reason I thought that option was capped at 11.

You could work to advance the liberation. That might not be a wise accomplishment though.

Do you have a blemmigan secretary?

4. Indeed? They are back? Since when? So i was just unlucky?
5. It only raises Fearsome Duellist, if I’m not mistaken?
6. I own one &quotReported Location of a One-Time Prince of Hell&quot, one &quotVeils-Velvet Scrap&quot, one &quotRumourmonger’s Network&quot, one &quotBreath of the Void&quot, two &quotStarstone Demark&quot, one &quotScrap of Ivory Organza&quot, two &quotIntriguer’s Compendium&quot and three &quotCoruscating Souls&quot.

I too was under the impression that this option gives 1cp Connected: The Masters for 2500 romantic notion if Connected: The Masters of the Bazaar is not higher than 10!
Hm… it is a little pricy but it’s certainly worth a try.
So, how to grind Romantic Notions without going mad in Polythreme? Simply undertaking the standard echo grinds in london, buying Prisoner’s Honey and upconverting that stuff?


Advancing the Liberation of Night sounds like a really bad idea. I’ve no idea who would do such a terrible thing.
scrolling through notes
Level 49… Interesting… I don’t think I’m a tremendously smart person…

The Blemmigan Secretary is for quite some time now one of my more useless employees.

I am already preparing for the noman tattoo. Currently I hold 26 Vial of Tears of the Bazaar.
Have you done the math? My rough appraisal was that 30 should be absolutely plenty?

@IgnatuStone @Kaijyuu
I appreciate your help, but the heptagoat seems a little bit lunatic at present. One the other hand, so was the cider a while ago…

Since… 5 months ago? or so?
If you haven’t gotten one, you’re likely just unlucky. Remember that both of them share card art with lodgings, so you might have accidentally discarded them.

Ah, you’re right. My mistake.

I don’t think I saw mention of the Heptagoat, that’s an option, if not am exciting one with all the grinding. I suppose there’s always Seeking, but that’s naturally going to destroy your hard earned progress. Better to start an Alt for Seeking in this case.

I’m pretty sure Moods have been back since the end of last summer or so.

I’m also pretty sure Romantic Notions are better obtained through Unfinished Business for honey and upconverting than through buying the honey directly.

They could go for the sevenfold knock. They’d have to liquidate most of their items (goodbye magnificent diamonds) but could keep their cider. Might be a decent goal after they get their noman tattoo.

They could go for the sevenfold knock. They’d have to liquidate most of their items (goodbye magnificent diamonds) but could keep their cider. Might be a decent goal after they get their noman tattoo.[/quote]
The most painful is liquidating the expensive Wine items, which are hard to replace (Master’s Blood, Tear of the Bazaar, Airag…).

I’m still slowly recovering my own stock.

Check the list in my signature.
I do hope you’ll find something that might raise an interest!

@Kaijyuu @Optimatum @Harlocke @Cthonius
Much obliged. But I am too much of a wuss for Seeking. And the Heptagoat lies way too far in the future to motivate me at the moment.
And I probably just discarded some mood-cards. That figures…

Thanks a million, I really enjoy that listing.
Problem is, I have already done virtually all these things. (Of course apart from reaching insane levels like [color=rgb(119, 119, 119)]777 Successful Terms as Governor.[/color])

  1. Raise A Bringer of Death sounds interesting, but how?
  2. Meeting the Boatman again sounds tempting.
    Does my cider present a problem? Can I hang out with the Boatman or is the resurrection auto-firing? What about losing dream-qualities? How can it be prevented?

Thanks a million, I really enjoy that listing.
Problem is, I have already done virtually all these things. (Of course apart from reaching insane levels like [color=rgb(119, 119, 119)]777 Successful Terms as Governor.[/color])

  1. Raise A Bringer of Death sounds interesting, but how?

  2. Meeting the Boatman again sounds tempting.
    Does my cider present a problem? Can I hang out with the Boatman or is the resurrection auto-firing? What about losing dream-qualities? How can it be prevented?[/quote]
    I do remember that you have a big level of Master Connections, many rosettes and many cats as well! I hope there will be something for you in there.

  3. Seems I haven’t updated that part yet and didn’t take any notes; I know that the Lab Fate story increases it, but think it’s a one time thing. Otherwise, probably doable be resetting Soul Trade

  4. Think the Cider offers another option which won’t auto-fire. I would like a comment from someone more experienced to answer this. Having a Cider and dueling Feducci does have it’s perks!

If you have more ideas please do share them as an update is required!

I’ve taken a rather casual approach to the noman tattoo. I just grind massive amounts of wine cellars and whenever the portly sommelier card arrives I play it. I also visit the cave of the nadir every week. Using only cards I can also grind out a point of favorable circumstances every two weeks. There’s no hurry, and its less costly if you use only cards.

You should have plenty unless you get absolutely terrible luck. My goal is 17 tears of the bazaar and 21 pails of lacre. Remember to stock up on storm therondies and night whispers.

Having the Cider doesn’t auto-fire anything. It gives you on option while on the boat to return from death in one action.
You can still hang out with the boatman as much as you like as long as you have Wounds.

Also: max out an experienced Zailor to 20 and Pregrind a Parabolan Base Camp.

Come on, give in… SEEK WITH US…

If you are very very careful you can do it without any permement cost…

And then you have the grindback to recover.


[quote=Skinnyman]I do remember that you have a big level of Master Connections, many rosettes and many cats as well![/quote]Oh, a golden opportunity to brag. That must not be missed…
Indeed, Masters 17, 21 rosettes and 778 cats.

At the moment only devilbone dies come to mind as missing.

@[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]IgnatuStone @[/color][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]dov[/color]
Thank you.

The day of reckoning may not be suspended forever.