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What do you need to do to get Nightmares? I’ve gone back to London with my terror over 50 and have been cruising around with terror around 50 and I have only had one of the regular terror events.

I’m also having no luck with Venderbight, but that seems to be a SAY event so I’ll have to keep trying.

[quote=lady ciel ]What do you need to do to get Nightmares? I’ve gone back to London with my terror over 50 and have been cruising around with terror around 50 and I have only had one of the regular terror events.

I’m also having no luck with Venderbight, but that seems to be a SAY event so I’ll have to keep trying.[/quote]

If you go to london when Something Awaits You is up and your terror is over 50 it’ll reset your terror to 50 and SHOULD give you nightmares (i’m not sure if it always does though, sometimes I didn’t get any but that might require you to already have some.)

If something awaits you isn’t up you won’t get anything (its the same trigger as speaking the harbormaster)

About Venderbight:

[spoiler]One of the options related to the fingerking symbol that you need to start the genial magicians story should give you a scene where you paint a picture tinted with viric. I’m not sure if you can get it on the first time you encounter that card though? I know the options change if you get again and it was from a second (well, third, since the magician) event that i got the painting when I did.

But yeah, it’s basically random and a Something Awaits You event so just keep trying. [/spoiler]
edited by WormApotheote on 7/25/2014

You can’t get it the first time, but it requires a really high skill check. And yes, it is SAY.

What is the difference between &quotSAY&quot and &quotsomething awaits you&quot? It seems to be they do the same thing but I’m probably wrong.

No difference, SAY = something awaits you.


After much Blemmigan-tossing and finally picking up that elusive Fingerking’s trail, the Neathbow is complete. Thanks to everyone in this thread who shared their insight as to obtaining the requested items.

The reward:

[spoiler]Or, rather, rewards. There is a choice of three.

[ul][li]2700 Fragments. Which, as it happens, still convert to one mere Secret - the irony of it![/li][li]Seven Captivating Treasures[/li][li]Keeper-Moth, a unique Mascot with the following stats: Mirrors + 3 / Veils + 3 / Pages + 3 / Hearts - 2[/li][/ul]Frankly, the Moth is the best by a fair margin.

For those rewards, I’m not sure I would want to steal the rat star as tempting as it sounds. At least not until the Rat kingdom is added into the game.

The shadow ship that appears if you click the shipyard tab at Venderibght is a bit annoying, but it’s a very interesting choice, if the stats I see are correct.

One thing I’d like to see changed is to get the same potential recruits when the game autosaves, you quit and then continue.

I had this very useful first officer offering his services before I exited to desktop to get rid of the ghost ship, continued and in his place was a gunner. Ho-hum.

Plus, we need more cooks :)

Not too many, though - for the sake of our broth!

Let’s see what happens in the next build. Perhaps there will be more options.

There will be more Officers eventually, there is a place-holder option for at least one of them.

I’m just hoping that there will be an alternative to stealing the Rat Star. At least I don’t think anyone has found one yet. Actually at least two methods would be useful for gaining all the components for the Neathbow. That is the case for two of them at the moment anyway.

Edit to add - I’m sure there are going to be consequences from the things you have to do to get some of the colours.
edited by reveurciel on 7/25/2014

Consequences? Undoubtedly. And the reward for the quest is, I think, worth less than the goods given to obtain it; but in service to the Story…

Aside from the final reward, the Curator will give you a little something for turning in each of the seven items.

Usually a Captivating Treasure, except for Gant which is a tad less exciting echo-wise.

Considering how much these sell for, I wouldn’t say it’s not worth the items (a good half of which are effectively free to obtain in the first place)

I have been getting good things turning in the items - Mostly Captivating Treasures but 7 Secrets for one item I’m still missing two items though. Still no luck with the Fingerkings, I’ve got artefacts but no new options on that story:(
edited by reveurciel on 7/25/2014

I keep running into the Fingerkings but I have no way to do this as I didn’t steal the Star and I don’t want to give up my Skull pet.

You can buy another Skull once you’ve finished the Genial Magician’s storyline! It’s, uh, kinda expensive though. Still probably worth it just for the shiny valuable rock, even if you can’t finish the entire Neathbow yet.

Can you build up your skills again or the cost a permanent hit?

I had the Rat-Star a couple of days ago, was deliberately hanging on to it, but it seems to have vanished from inventory :-/ Anybody else encounter a glitch like this?

I’m not sure but I suspect it may have been redeeming the wrong items for some of the other sub-quests; I got a message for turning in a Ray-Drenched Cinder even though I’m certain I haven’t acquired one.

You can rebuild the stat loss from buying a Skull just like normal, yes, as long as you have the Secrets or other statgain source.

[quote=GeoffreyBrent]I had the Rat-Star a couple of days ago, was deliberately hanging on to it, but it seems to have vanished from inventory :-/ Anybody else encounter a glitch like this?

I’m not sure but I suspect it may have been redeeming the wrong items for some of the other sub-quests; I got a message for turning in a Ray-Drenched Cinder even though I’m certain I haven’t acquired one.[/quote]

I know at one point (i think it got patched really fast though) you could turn in the Ray Drenched Cinder and lump of blue Scintillack to the university guy even if you did not have them. (basically getting free money every time you pressed the button, so.)