June's Exceptional Story: The Dilettante's Debut

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Actually, Kaerlyss, you should be good already!

I can’t say I enjoyed this story.

I felt railroaded into certain actions due to the heavy reliance on quirks, and was very annoyed when my 15 magnanimous nearly went down to 14, because there was zero indication a choice I made would lead to that result (it didn’t seem a non-magnanimous choice). Not only that, but the quirk changes were so sporadic; on one result I gained magnanimous CP past the cap, and on one I was told I couldn’t gain any past the cap.

I also felt the story and the characters were a little flat; I mean, maybe it’s because I played it after “Unto Dust” (if I’m remembering the right one), which also had the theme of a downtrodden heir needing to arrange a party, and that one was so good and well-written and allowed for more free choices, so there was that more immediate comparison, but . . . I was very let down.