January’s Exceptional Story: Lamentation Lock

Is the locket in the curiosity section? I can’t find mine. But that’s probably user error.

Yes, it has the same picture as a venom ruby.
edited by suinicide on 12/29/2017


It’s been a wild ride visiting the Lamentation Lock, to see a den of criminals somewhere besides London and New Newgate. The ringleaders of each ward were definitely something to behold given that each seem to voluntarily turn themselves in despite the success they have in their various trades. I originally thought that the task would be a competition for the coin, but it is just…given to you. I would have appreciated a Persuasive ward and a little bit more insight into the Warden, but it is still an interesting ride.

On the same subject, I am also curious about the other endings, in which you actually decide to befriend these individuals instead of defeating them, since it seems to be the more moral option (I couldn’t myself from challenging them to various match-ups).[/quote]

You can read the entries in my journal (cathyr1935) for that is what I chose; to redeem all of them and bring them back home to the Neath with me.

This sounds silly, but I accidentally clicked through the opening storylet without reading the text result (I think I selected the 2nd option of the 3), and now I cant find the location where the ES is supposed to begin. It usually is one of the 4 base locations, I checked those and all the rest as well but I cant seem to find it at all.

Does anyone recall where the story begins or any particular action to be taken for it?

Amusingly given the premise, I am waiting on support to allow me to continue as a hiccup on the app rendered me to a no stories available page within the building. I am now quite literally unable to leave.

I rather enjoyed this story, but if there’s one thing I really want it’s to convert my excess research to a weapon.

If a madman in a jail cell is allowed to turn notes into a bludgeon, so should I.

Hollow-eyed Turncoat: J’accuse…!

Mmmm stalactite background…

Thanks for the answer! I guess beating/challenging them sets the quality to ten then. I went for the ‘redeem them all’ option, which was a very Fallen London thing to do - it seemed compassionate, but does London really need three more crooks running around? It was a twisted feeling, showcasing how morality is different in the Neath without shoving me into a ham-fisted dilemma.

Sort of silly question, but where should this ES appear after the initial storylet? I can’t seem to find it, and am unsure as to whether I’m just missing it, or I’ve hit a bug.

There’s a second storylet in “the season of silver”.

So I saved one, and betrayed another to see both texts only to find myself locked out of both completionist endings. Either some way to put in work and undo your choices or a clear warning of this would have been nice.

So Lamentation Lock. I’m curious as to what all the texts are for the Airs of Avernus (have I heard that name somewhere before? Borges, perhaps?), as well as what happens when you fight, steal from, and betray the three… er, I’ve forgotten their names. The zailing was a bit of an unnecessary thing, especially given that we don’t zail on the way back. To be honest, the one remaining thing I have about this is whether or not we can return to Lamentation Lock later. I suspect not; the warden doesn’t seem like he’d allow it, or allow us to leave if we did re-arrive. It would be nice to be able to zail back like we could zail back to Tanah-Chook, even if it’s not the most profitable.

I also very much appreciate the quality &quotLamentation Clock&quot sheerly for its punniness. But that might just be me.

The fact that I had monstrously-high stats compelled me to ‘beat’ all three of the leader characters. At that time, I felt like redeeming all of them was ‘the easy way out’.

Then, as I was walking out the door… alone… I remembered all the amazing rumors I heard about each of them.

Oof. What a folly of mine.

I miss them already.

Too bad I can’t keep them once I’m gone. The intriguer would be a problem, but I really like the thief…

They want to become a spy, Constable, or Revolutionary. I’m not exactly thrilled about that last career path, but they’re certainly not going to be common criminals.[li]

[quote=Reused NPC]So Lamentation Lock. I’m curious as to what all the texts are for the Airs of Avernus (have I heard that name somewhere before? Borges, perhaps?), as well as what happens when you fight, steal from, and betray the three… er, I’ve forgotten their names. The zailing was a bit of an unnecessary thing, especially given that we don’t zail on the way back. To be honest, the one remaining thing I have about this is whether or not we can return to Lamentation Lock later. I suspect not; the warden doesn’t seem like he’d allow it, or allow us to leave if we did re-arrive. It would be nice to be able to zail back like we could zail back to Tanah-Chook, even if it’s not the most profitable.

I also very much appreciate the quality &quotLamentation Clock&quot sheerly for its punniness. But that might just be me.[/quote]
Avernus is a real-world lake inside the crater of an extinct Italian volcano. It was described by Virgil and other Roman writers as the entrance to the underworld, which makes it incredibly fitting that the Cumaean Canal exits into it. Cumae was actually an ancient town there, as a matter of fact.[li]

I’m pretty sure the airs of Avernus would be toxic fumes, by the way. According to Wikipedia, it got its name because any birds flying over it choked on the gases coming out of the crater.[/li][li]
edited by Saklad5 on 12/30/2017

I’m surprised this ended up being a literal coin, rather than a metaphorical one.

Redeemed everyone and am ready to attempt to leave, but should I cash out my various currencies first? Is there something to spend them on on the way out the door, or do they all just get zeroed?

They all get zeroed.