In Pursuit of Influence

Greetings dear friends,

I too find myself in the need of a bit more influence, and would be grateful for any help received.

Thank you all so much, I just managed to reach 90 Influence and acquire London’s Sinew.
I will try to send out little gifts for everyone who helped, as time (and rng) allows.
Also if you want to stop being my acquaintance or Protege to help someone else out, feel free to do so.
And if anyone else needs still help with influence, give me a call. I still have two alts that can accept calling cards and one of them should qualify as a protege for some qualities.
edited by Yehochanan on 10/19/2019

I would also enjoy some extra influence in the world. Paramount Presence is so close now I can smell it.

Greetings friends. I too would appreciate some help with influence. London’s Sinew is my last step to Paramount Presence, a quality I never thought I’d achieve. Many thanks!
edited by Raccoonajr on 10/1/2019

Delicious Friends,
Like many before me, I am looking to reach London’s Sinew, but am not interested in going on a killing spree or turning off Lights. Would you be so kind as to help me gain influence? Ask for Mr J.
Thank you all! :)

[quote=Mr J]Delicious Friends,
Like many before me, I am looking to reach London’s Sinew, but am not interested in going on a killing spree or turning off Lights. Would you be so kind as to help me gain influence? Ask for Mr J.
Thank you all! :)[/quote]

I am not sure this thread is still widely read, but I want to thank all the kind players who accepted my calling card, since I managed to reach London’s Sinew! Onto the next step to Paramount Presence!

Not sure how active this forum is anymore, but I also need lots of influence for Paramount Presence. So if any of you would want to be acquainted with Lantander, drop me a message, or directly a calling card please.

Hello, I am also looking for influence for Paramount Presence. I’m already at 82, so I just need a few more contacts. Thanks in advance!


Would love to get some influence too.
Also willing to support in anyway I can…
