I just got Unaccountably Peckish from nowhere

We shouldn’t have to. This really is not acceptable. I drew the ace card three times out of ten cards (But only five more EF days to go…)

Then our only other option is to inundate Failbetter with bug reports and angry messages while starting a riot on the forums and IRC at the same time, assuming the UP doesn’t stop coming by tomorrow.

The card waste and action waste, though. That has to hurt.

[quote=knguy ]You know what’s a real issue? It isn’t too much to assume that many players have received UP, with new people and those who prefer a wiki-free experience included. With no information on UP whatsoever it could be possible for someone to accidentally mess something up especially with no idea how UP works since it’s not exactly an easy quality to deal with (for those people who don’t even Dangerous).

Or even worse, they could assume black cards must be something awesome.[/quote]
I think it’s made pretty explicitly clear that the cards are a Very Bad Thing. At worst someone might click a low-Peckish one and take a small stat hit or whatever before being confronted by the extremely firm warning opt-in card.[li]

Success in sending Lyme shopping during Mahogany Hall’s Pygmalian content will also remove UP, but it does take a bit of grinding to get there. Decent gain of Glim while you’re doing it, at least.

HOW can I actually get Free of the Name? I don’t want the SMEN cards showing up on my main. I have an alt for that. I tried the “Fold and keep the note” option on the TWO OF SOMETHING card, which formerly kicked you out of the quest.

Have you checked out the new option on the Seeking Road storylet? It has a &quotfor a limited time only&quot option to abandon Seeking the Name. (Or use the &quotA Bad End&quot item from the inventory).

Of course, Time the Healer seems to now bring Unaccountably Peckish to all (Seekers or not) which will trigger at least one of the black menace cards weekly until UP is removed.

The card will only apear to the seekers, if I am not mistaken. Not for everyone with just UP.

Is this confirmed? I thought I saw reports on the forums otherwise (from non Seekers)

Wiki and the majority of this thread confirm otherwise. But fortunately we can have one of the unfortunate victims immediately confirm it for us.
edited by knguy on 6/9/2016

Wiki and the majority of this thread confirm otherwise. But fortunately we can have one of the unfortunate victims immediately confirm it for us.
edited by knguy on 6/9/2016[/quote]

No, you’re right. Seeking is not a requitment. Which is odd… menacing every week non-seekers. I would have thought the card will apear only to SMENsers with UP. Maybe it will be fixed

[color=#009900]Folks, I’m sorry about this: it was either a glitch or an AK mistake. Either way it’s now resolved. Just one point of Unaccountably Peckish will do you very little harm, but if you’re a non-Seeker who’s been affected, drop us a mail at support@failbettergames.com, and I’ll unhunger you.[/color]


Are you going to put a little banner up on the site for those people who don’t forum as well?

Yeah, panic over. I just got this response from support:

“That content has now been tweaked - in the future if you have no unaccountably peckish, you should not get more.”

Thank you, good tiger, very decent of you to address it!