How should I go about reaching 200 Persuasive?

I’ve recently completed the arduous task of obtaining a Majestic Pleasure Yacht (took me a few weeks of grinding Romantic Notions in Polythreme and seven b___dy tries at the gambling table) and I’m now setting my sights on the lofty goal of becoming a Legendary Charisma.

I already have the other prerequisites, but reaching 200 in Persuasive seems like it will take rather a long time. I’ve been using many of my actions on ettiquette lessons at Mahogany Hall, netting a tidy profit in brass along the way, but even with a Rattus Faber to lower my chance of success at the Persuasive challenge to exactly 90% (gaining 2 CP Persuasive instead of 1) progress has been slow. I’m currently at 183, and it seems that it’ll take many more weeks to reach the hallowed 200.

Are there any more expedient methods that I’m missing? I’ve also been using Confident Smiles to raise Persuasive further since I always seem to have an excess of the things, but they provide a pretty minor gain in the long term.
edited by JimmyTMalice on 2/12/2016

Honestly, I wouldn’t focus on trying to get a stat to 200 unless you’re out of stories around London to go through. You will slowly get your Persuasive up over time from cards and whatnot.

If you’re set on getting your stats up though, you best option is usually social actions, in this case Coffee. You can also use Second Chances to increase a given stat.

Oh, I’m pretty much out of stories. I’ve served a few terms at Port Carnelian, reached the current limit of Ambition: Heart’s Desire, paid a few visits to the Nadir, completed the Wars of Illusion (as far as I can tell), made my choice in Diocesan Intrigue and embarked on scientific expeditions with the Dilmun Club.

You can always cash in some connections for extra change points; for persuasive, society, bohemians, church, devils. its a small amount but better than the 2cp grind

I already have the other prerequisites, but reaching 200 in Persuasive seems like it will take rather a long time. I’ve been using many of my actions on ettiquette lessons at Mahogany Hall, netting a tidy profit in brass along the way, but even with a Rattus Faber to lower my chance of success at the Persuasive challenge to exactly 90% (gaining 2 CP Persuasive instead of 1) progress has been slow. I’m currently at 183, and it seems that it’ll take many more weeks to reach the hallowed 200.[/quote]
By my math, it should take 626 actions to raise Persuasive to 200 from 183. It’s a week, but hardly weeks and weeks. Toss in some Confident Smile farming (One’s Public, social actions) and you should be there pretty quick.

Do you mean on the connection cards? Persuasive is the tremendously inefficient when using Church and Society. So much so, that it’s probably not better then the 2cp grind. Also, isn’t Devil’s Watchful?

The fastest way is to find an Exceptional Friend to grind Confident Smiles with you in the House of Chimes. Cash in everytime you reach 15 Smiles to avoid overflow.

However, at this point you are better off not grinding it intentionally, since the point of having high stats is to succeed frequently even on harder checks and you are pretty much set beyond 180. Just pick something profitable and let your Persuasive raise naturally.

By not going to the cave of nadir… My stats have been dropping every week. On a more serious note though, you should get a steady amount of confident smiles every week if you invite someone for private supper (assuming you haven’t been doing that). That’s how I got my alt to 200 persuasive without farming for it.

I’d call that farming. Now, another method is using the free 4 second chances on both &quotA gift&quot and the church/game conflict card. if nothing else, it slowly raises it, and offers boosts to all four stats. it’s slow for persuasive, averaging 4.333 per action, but it’s giving the same second chance for every other stat, meaning in the end it pays out 11.55 cp in all stats.

Also, don’t forget to take tea with the novelist on the connected bohemians card. it costs a few CP bohemians for 10 cp persuasive, and therefore, unlike church or society. is actually profitable. (You should keep a list of all the ones worth doing like that, and keep on top of it.)

The House of Chimes has a social action that nets you 3x Persuasive Smiles

use that to farm the things, and then spend them on stat boosting