How many pages on your "Sell My Things" tab?

I was just glancing at the Bazaar tab to check my Cider Brewing progress and noted that the page count of my &quotSell My Things&quot page had reached 7. For some reason this made me curious about how many pages of things people generally have to sell. Lots of us near the end game have spent a lot of time collecting vast quantities of a single thing. But I’m curious about what the average breadth of items is and if anyone is exceptionally far ahead.

For those who are interested, my 7th page has a single item on it which is, of course, an Ubergoat.

I’m a bit of a hoarder and try to get at least one of everything I can - so I have 10 pages of stuff.

I fluctuate between 7 and 8, 10 seems pretty insane.

I have eight pages; the eighth has seven items on it. (Those items are specifically my eight Vials of Tears of the Bazaar, a Strange-Shore Parabola Suit, a Breath of the Void, a Fluke-Core, a Veils-Velvet Scrap, two Vials of Masters’ Blood - come already De Gustibus! - and an Ubergoat.) I don’t have very many pieces of Bazaar equipment, I wonder how many pages I’d have if I bought one of everything else. And how much it would cost.
edited by Optimatum on 5/20/2016

[quote=An Individual]I was just glancing at the Bazaar tab to check my Cider Brewing progress and noted that the page count of my &quotSell My Things&quot page had reached 7. For some reason this made me curious about how many pages of things people generally have to sell. Lots of us near the end game have spent a lot of time collecting vast quantities of a single thing. But I’m curious about what the average breadth of items is and if anyone is exceptionally far ahead.

For those who are interested, my 7th page has a single item on it which is, of course, an Ubergoat.[/quote]

My main character has 9 pages to date. My 9th page has a single item on it which is also an Ubergoat. :-)

4 Pages. Not bad considering the length of my stay.

I could get two more pages and bring myself up to 10 total if I felt inclined to spend just 7982.6 echoes on random things I don’t yet have. What a bargain!

(I wonder why so many pieces of Bazaar gear cost 12.8 or 28.8 echoes.)

  1. And if I can get one more thing, my page 8 will be only all of my >1500 echo items, which is pretty neat. :)

Only 6. And here I thought I was a bit of a packrat.

Thanks to everyone who responded. I’ve got to admit, the results aren’t what I was expecting. I’d assumed we’d get a nice bell curve centered on… somewhere. The sharp drop off after 8 is really surprising. And congratulations to the people with 10 or more pages. This is apparently a great feat (or at least an uncommon occurrence). I tip my hat to your prodigious hoarding skills.

To be fair, many many items can’t be sold directly so are irrelevant here.[li]

I don’t consider myself a great hoarder, but I have been playing Fallen London for a long time. I started back when it was called Echo Bazaar, and you could only sign up with a Twitter account.

My alt, which I’ve been playing for only about 5 years, has a 7-page inventory.

I am definitely a hoarder - I have 11 pages. The last page only has 3 items though so it’ll be a while till I hit 12!

Only four on my main account. I feel a bit like an amateur.

Six here. I am irritated at my own avarice.

Stuff is stuff, I shouldn’t sweat it. I’m only five pages myself. But I also don’t care about selling nearly anything. (though I’ll never sell any of my cats)

And I suspect you too lack Fate locked items, as I do.