How bad do I have to be?

[quote=aegisaglow]You do have to break into a police station at one point, but you can do it in order to find all the unsolved crime files and solve them yourself.

Also, as a person of some importance you can open up your own orphanage.[/quote]

I think breaking into Concord Square to close unsolved cases is one of the coolest things in the game, as far as moral options go. I mean, that’s just badass as hell.

[quote=aegisaglow]You do have to break into a police station at one point, but you can do it in order to find all the unsolved crime files and solve them yourself.

Also, as a person of some importance you can open up your own orphanage.[/quote]

I think breaking into Concord Square to close unsolved cases is one of the coolest things in the game, as far as moral options go. I mean, that’s just badass as hell.

With the power of imagination, Deja-Moni - everything is possible!

But seriously though - I don’t believe you can play a pure goody goody two shoes. It’s just how FL’s universe is. Like, you can start clean but sooner or later you’ll have to add a skeleton or a thousand in your closet and there is little to nothing you can do about it.

Kind of like real life when I think on it. :D
edited by Sir Goomy on 10/20/2016

FL is a weee bit bleaker than real life :P

Not actually true, IMO. what is true is FL is a lot more lawless than real life, with all the practical benefits and evident curses contained therein. Down here even mortality can at least be subverted on a human scale. Also, it seems like no one goes hungry- they just eat rats.