How are there so many anarchists left?!?

Not a real question, it’s just a funny observation on my part. Once I started getting the &quota commission from anarchists&quot card, and discovered that turning them into the constables gave me a favor, I haven’t done anything else with that card. I also thought &quothey, it would be kinda funny to save all these dead anarchist’s clothes that I keep getting.&quot Partly as a funny side thing, partly to keep count of how many anarchists’ true death I’m responsible for, and partly because I was a little curious if there was any stories that need such a ridiculous amount of terrible clothing.

I just got another card, and decided to check how much clothes was on the pile (after increasing my renown with the constables, of course. They rather like me). I’m currently at 1120.

I just find it rather humorous

Well, for every one that you get hanged, Someone else blackmails an upstanding citizen into supporting the cause. Everyone wins! (Except the schmucks getting blackmailed and hanged, of course)

I have over 12,000 bundles of clothes from turning in anarchists. I’m also considered the 13th month. Because what could be more revolutionary than revolting against the revolution?

Freedom from all laws and tyrants and ideologies, without exception!

Those thousands of anarchists were actually all secret policemen trying to infiltrate the anarchists.

Your assistance in the Liberation of Night has been invaluable.

You didn’t get me yet >:3c

[quote=Tyrconnell]I have over 12,000 bundles of clothes from turning in anarchists. I’m also considered the 13th month. Because what could be more revolutionary than revolting against the revolution?

Freedom from all laws and tyrants and ideologies, without exception![/quote]

What a revolting development!

[quote=Plynkes]Those thousands of anarchists were actually all secret policemen trying to infiltrate the anarchists.[/quote]How very Chestertonian.

They’re just the same anarchists, obviously. New Newgate is hardly the most secure of prisons, after all, and the Boatman sucks at chess.
edited by millea on 2/12/2018

Even if it’s not true death, think of the cost to the cause in bundles of ragged clothes!

[quote=millea]They’re just the same anarchists, obviously. New Newgate is hardly the most secure of prisons, after all, and the Boatman sucks at chess.
edited by millea on 2/12/2018[/quote]
Seriously, who dies here?

[quote=GuesssWho][quote=millea]They’re just the same anarchists, obviously. New Newgate is hardly the most secure of prisons, after all, and the Boatman sucks at chess.
edited by millea on 2/12/2018[/quote]
Seriously, who dies here?[/quote]

Not ahem anyone that comes from the surface. And has a certain entity behind them. With a computer.

Jokes aside, I would assume that they would be permanently killed. Why go to the effort of hanging them, if you’re just going to put them in prison later?

A side note, I’m surprised they haven’t returned to beheading as a form of execution, since beheading is one of the methods of inflicting a true death.

And if they are the same anarchists, jeez are they dumb. Actually, they are all dumb. You would think after getting over a thousand anarchists hung, they would wise up a bit. Ah well. Free favors and menace eradication for me! My thieving alt is very thankful to have someone willing to give an alibi at a moments notice…

I believe there’s mention in some early storylets that criminals are hanged, cut down, and that’s their punishment. Unpleasant but probably not as bad as spending hard time in New Newgate.

I must have missed that. In that case, they might well be the same anarchists…in which case, they are extremely silly.

IIRC they should at least be shoved off to the Tomb Colonies. That doens’t mean the revolutionaries weren’t already Tomb Colonists, though.

They never learn.

Listen to gossip at Hangman’s Arch: &quot… the bodies of seditionists are removed from the nooses and carted off to exile.&quot[li]
edited by Tyrconnell on 2/15/2018