hold onto your balls it's a new thing in SMEN

Sadly, I shall give up seeking, because I wish to self-destruct nemesis style - but man that ending is an epic way to end the Mr. Eaten Storyline.

They still appear in the drop-down menu for Calling Cards and Letters, but nowhere else so far (I haven’t got the Gift card in my hand)

EDIT: Gifts not possible.
edited by phryne on 6/20/2016

You are a hero!
I will always look north and from my cowardly position, say a pray for you.


I imagine that unique item will be extremely rare to see. I honestly can’t say if it’s harder to go all that way and then end your character, or to go all that way and then just… not. Hopefully someday I’ll get to decide for myself.

What exactly happened?

That is for Bjorn to know, and anyone who comes after him. (Leaking the details of what comes after the Horizon is strongly discouraged by Failbetter)

Did you people on the IRC find out?

Frustratingly and delightfully, no.

[quote=Ian Hart]I imagine that unique item will be extremely rare to see.[/quote]I plan to get it with my Seeker - though it’s still a long way to go, obviously.

nope! There are rumors, but very little confirmed. It probably involved destruction, though. &quotThe Seventh City will never fall&quot probably involved lots of destruction.

Could you link to a transcription of the IRC?
edited by Bertrand Leonidas Poole on 6/20/2016

Congratulations on utterly destroying your character. Now that I know the ending really deletes your account, I want to Seek even harder.
edited by Zero on 6/20/2016

I am calling it now: The Seven-Fold Knock is ‘shave and a haircut, two bits’.
‘Shave and a haircut’ , times The Number.
It has seven beats to it, that rhythm.

Only one question for you.
Has all been revealed?


Bjorn became a judgement and slam dunked the bazaar straight into the sun. The end.[/quote]

Does that mean the sun and the bazaar are finally together again or (far more satisfactory for me) the bazaar just got roasted?

Also, I am seeing the first post as being on an all white backround. I don’t know if that’s a feature, something wrong with my browser, or I am hallucinating it.

Congratulations/commiserations Bjorn! Your sacrifice was likely entirely in vain, because that’s kind of the point of SMEN…

[quote=Eric Larrieu-let]Also, I am seeing the first post as being on an all white backround. I don’t know if that’s a feature, something wrong with my browser, or I am hallucinating it.[/quote]It’s a feature, that’s how an &quotaccepted answer&quot looks. There’s an extension to make it more readable.

So… Did you actually find his name?

A thousand thanks for the answer.

And, I forgot, uttermost congratulations to Bjorn for their victory on the quest for the name! (Was it Kevin? I remember someone said the name was Kevin.)

Finally! All is well and all manner of things have been thrown into the well!
edited by Ernesto Choclo on 6/20/2016

(Btw, I hope all the guys did hold onto their balls. Would be a shame if some were lost in the well…)