Higher paying random rewards

trying to find out if there’s anything steady with a higher paying random reward than “Fun with the Fisher Kings”.

thanks in advance.
edited by Endy on 1/19/2012

If your domicile is invaded by rats, taking on the Lieutenants is quite profitable, at least in my experience.

A Lady with a clean house

Piracy on the Unterzee gives random items, right?

In any event, why do you need a random reward? Are you looking for something specific?

I mainly use it for the cheap menace reduction potions.

5 Echos worth for wounds and nightmares.

Already finished the rat storyline. I’ll check out the piracy one when I get up that high.

There’s a story in the Flit called “The Big One” which unlocks with Shadowy 73. Always take the “The Decoy” option once your Shadowy is high enough, and you’ll be swimming in random rewards!

yep, that’ll work nicely.

many thanks.

Alas, no more. The Decoy now only grants 2 change points of casing… and the random reward is only worth a few pennies, making it substantially worse than the previous options.

Alas, no more. The Decoy now only grants 2 change points of casing… and the random reward is only worth a few pennies, making it substantially worse than the previous options.[/quote]
It was always just &quota few pennies&quot… 14 Ridiculous Hats and such. Still, you can do this as often as you like. Build your Casing… up to 50, sell most of it to increase your Connections, then do a robbery. It’s a very profitable storylet in my opinion.
edited by Rupho Schartenhauer on 3/24/2015

Well, not really. Pretty much anything (including lower level storylets) is more profitable. It’s just that the gaining of such a large lump sum at once is more impressive.

Alas, no more. The Decoy now only grants 2 change points of casing… and the random reward is only worth a few pennies, making it substantially worse than the previous options.[/quote]
Truly? This is quite a recent change then as just yesterday I was getting a full three points added to my casing every time I chose the decoy option, as well as some random trinkets.

‘The student body’ storylet in he university unlocked with Featuring in the Tales of the University 9 gives 81-90 pence of random rewards
edited by Nargil on 1/22/2012