"Help Wanted"

“Amelia, I’m somewhat dissapointed you dont see the oppotunity for both power and profit here, but your choices are exactly that, and I respect you for making one of your own volition. I shall take your men, and as a gesture of goodwill, I’ll do my best to give them some of the…err, safer, roles. As for how many recruits I am aiming for, well, I am looking for as many volunteers as I can aquire. I have a rather large ship and no amount gained through a help wanted notice was going to get me enough one way or another, I will be filling in the gaps with my own crew, much as it does pain me to do so. The only reason, really, I made use of such simple means as a notice nailed to a wall, is because, in all honesty to all of you, what we are doing here is going to be quite illegal. Now, you may each imply plausible deniability in these matters, as assuming I had not told you this, it could be said that you did not really know of my intentions or the aim of this mission, which is to say, importation of unregistered and extremely dangerous creatures. It is because of this, that I am keeping certain information, until directly asked for it, it gives those of you who do not care for such trivialities a way to remain totally blameless in the whole affair.”

Gregory then watches the ensuing conversation about plans with a small smile “As for plans, well, I have thought a great deal of it out, but there is a decent amount to it, and I would rather discuss it on board, as time will likely be of the essence. Not to mention-” Gregory puts a hand on the back of his head and grins widely. “I do see my Monster hunting methods as somewhat of a trade secret. And dont you worry fleshstick, your desire for extreme amounts of danger and borderline suicidaly diving into said danger, can more than likely be implimented into the plan.”

The Dean looks at Gregory quizzically, "What about this venture makes it illegal? Monster Hunting is a Bazaar sponsored activity. I should know. More importantly, if this is indeed so illegal, why don’t we take a head count and board? The cats will be on the prowl soon.

Gregory dismisses the comments with a wave of his hand. &quotThe hunting, is most definitely legal, but venom of a certain…voracity, tends to be deemed a proscribed material, much like Cantigaster Venom. Not to mention the fact that the buyer is not exactly going to be using it for legal deeds. As we are bringing along a source of such a substance, it is highly likely that if were to simply enter port with such a creature in tow, the admirality would take it, and we would be met with either a fine, or jailtime, depending on how far they looked into the affair. As for needing to go before word gets out, well, as I said, I have spent a sum in order to stop exactly that happening. It is why we are out here beside lizard filled bogs instead of wolfstack. I have taken a great many precautions to keep this as risk free as possible. In regards to the law anyway. That being said, you do have a point, it is high time we set sail.&quot

Gregory holds his hands to his mouth as he yells &quotLast call for new arrivals, any and all individuals looking to join this mission line up, state your name, and board the ship&quot

With this, Lord Gregory lowers a gang plank and stands in front, nodding to each person to cross the threshold.

Pink, composure regained, eyes the rest of the crowd before boarding. Well, they would play along with this spider endeavor to begin with. They made a beeline for the gang plank and tipped their hat at Gregory.
“Jackie Pink, at your service,” they drawled in their American accent. They leaned against the starboard side, looking out over the zee.

As Pink perched, they noticed a hungover tomb colonist emerge from below deck. The man, or so Pink assumed, clutched his head and looked around, clearly unhappy.
“Are you lost, friend?” Pink called out.

Martin listened to the discussions intently as they went on until the Gregory figure called for all to board. He waited a few short minutes for his trunk to arrive as the others boarded, it didn’t take long coming from a pier not far here, and then bid his men goodbye.

He stated his name once again as he crossed the plank, “Martin Walker,” and moved to the deck hefting his trunk alone using handles on the top.

&quotFink wha ye will,&quot Amelia responds. &quotBut me reputation be me own if’n tha makes more fink less o’ me than so be it. I kno whar me ambitions lay 'n as much as I feel fer such a thrill, I’d rather haff somefing ta make it worth me time than a promise.&quot She looks to the men on both sides. There is an exchange, muttered in a hush tone between them. But after a while she nods to them and they depart from her side.

&quotBut me men be yours ta do wha ya feel fit fer such tasks,&quot she continues. &quotSafe or naught thay be thar for ya. Not me. Thay stay wiff ya til thay go ta boatman’s side. If’n ya can keep em from seein’ tha othaside than thay be yours fer crew o’ othawise. 'N fer yer sake I hope ye don lose more than what tis crowd bares. No interference by man or beast save fer tha one ye be after.&quot With that she tips her bowler and departs from the crowd.

The Dean walks up to Gregoryand grasps his shoulder. One set of Peligin eyes meets another.
“Give us a hunt to remember lad.”
He continues up the gangplank and steps onto the ship.

Gregory nods as Amelia leaves, somewhat puzzled, “Very well, safe Travels Amelia…always a pleasure…I think?” Gregory turns to the next person in line, shakes his head and mumbles “You know, sometimes I have to say, I haven’t the foggiest clue what on earth she is talking about…”

“I’ll tell you all about it when I come back<” Dirae Erinyes calls out. They host their luggage and chittering bats and all up to the boat.
“Let’s see if you can show these old body something new.”

Gregory chuckles softly, shaking his head as Dirae passes, “You would think stating your name was not too difficult an instruction, hah! Never-the-less it is good to have you each on board. Go ahead and make yourself at home. You may each find an unoccupied room and claim it for the trip. Dont break anything. Not anything made of wood, steel or crystal, at least.”

For those who go below deck, it is noticable that there is a good number of crew already present, some appear to be packing their things however, preparing to leave as the would be hunters arrive.



he pumps your hand vigorously before charging up the gangplank with nothing but the clothes he’s wearing. Hope somebody brought a spare toothbrush
edited by Kukapetal on 8/7/2016

ooc: bump

[ I thought I posted in here before but I guess I didn’t. I thought using some NPCs would be ok but if it’s not just ignore this. ]

Once their boss has departed, the two rather burly fellows stand and look to each other. There’s an unspoken gaze shared from these red heads that ends with a nod before they both make their way through the crowd and join the line. When they see Gregory, both bow their heads to him.

&quotEvenin’ lord,&quot says one. &quotMe names Tristan 'n tis be me brotha 'n arms, Travis.&quot The one behind him nods as well. &quotOur boss be… uh…&quot He turns back to Travis. &quotWha did she call it again? I cants bloody remember.&quot

&quotTough love I fink it were.&quot

&quotRight,&quot he turns back. &quotShe gives tha tough love ta all me mates. Sign o’ respect from 'er. But I suppose now she naught be our bosses now, eh boss.&quot He laughs a bit before elbowing Travis behind him. He laughs too at his own joke before the two move on, allowing others to introduce themselves.

(OOC) Totally forgot about this one, couldn’t find it back either. I think I’m going to have to drop out.

The Mirthless Colonist emerges above-decks and to his relief sees that the ship has not yet departed. He issues a half-hearted apology to the captain and takes his leave. While not sure whether the infernal rifle and the fedora are his, he doesn’t mention them and instead quickly departs for Veilgarden to find his bandaged ladyfriend.
edited by Infinity Simulacrum on 8/14/2016

Seeing the Colonist depart, Gregory shakes his head.

“Unfortunate. The not-quite-dead tend to make magnificently daring hunters, when they can be wrangled onto such an expedition. As for you two men, well, I still dont think I will properly understand the thoughts of that woman, but it’s good to have you aboard. That said, we have wasted enough time waiting and wanting, it is time to set sail. Any of you who have second thoughts like the recent departee, now is your chance.”

Gregory steps on board once more and makes his way to the helm of the ship. Then, with a roar, shouts loud enough for any on board to hear.


Moments later, the ships spurrs into movement, the engine whirring as it begins pushing the ship forwards.

As the ships heads off into open water, Gregory rings a bell in the helm, then shouts a message through a mouthpiece which echoes his words through the ship.

“Alright, those of you who are still here, meet me in the bridge, it’s time to share the course I’ve plot for us.”

[(OOC) Hey! So this is my first time ever being on one of these and I only just noticed this thread, but it looks exactly like my cup of dangerously brewed tea. I hope the captain doesn’t mind me stowing away on the ship! And if he does then my character can swim excellently and this will only be his third or forth time being thrown overboard]

As everyone gathers around the bridge as a voice speaks up from the shadows.
&quotCough Cough&quot.
A man seeming to appear out of thin air steps forward and bows. He’s a frail looking man, not from his lack of physicality, but more from the seven bleeding scars which adorn his body - weakly wrapped in soaked through bandages. His eyes dart from person to person, almost as if recalling distant memories.

He then starts packing away some sort of purplish robe into an abusrdly large pack filled with dozens of articles of clothing, weapons, books, and - from the sounds of it - animals. While being closely followed by a Goat floating approximately 13 inches off of the ground.

&quotHello! I doubt any of you remember me! I’m um, Bentley! Yes, Bentley K. At your service.&quot

Several people look confused, and one man(?) draws a knife on him.

&quotAllow me to explain. I am a Canon of St. Joshua. Just before I came on board I had performed a rite with some individual whose existence I have since forgotten (Irrigo is terrible stuff). And I had absolutely no time to change before the time of the boat’s supposed departure! I introduced myself already and was given the go-ahead to come aboard before any of you took your eyes off me and promptly forgot my existence (Irrigo remains terrible stuff). I have been out to zee MANY times! And I’m terribly intrigued by the concept of this tree spider beast. Hopefully the Dean and I will be able to adequetely pull the secrets from it’s teeth before the removal of it’s um. Heart.&quot

&quotWhat? Oh yes you.&quot Bentley released a tired sigh and gestured to the floating hell-goat. &quotThis here is um. Goaty McGoatface.&quot

&quotBAAAAH BA BAAAAH!!!&quot The entire boat shakes as the primial fury of the Goat’s terrible nickname is unleashed.
&quotNO I am not saying your actual name! It’s 24 characters in Correspondence and the first THREE set fire to my fiance, last time. You just get to deal with this until we can come up with a better name for you.&quot

&quot(Well yes of course we are. What you think we aren’t coming out of here without something remarkable? I mean already I can tell a few have some pretty good nuggets. Especially that one with the HUNGRY look.)&quot He whispers to the Goat in clenched teeth while gesturing to Pink

&quotI what?&quot

Looking up he noticed he just said everything outloud to a group of very dangerous looking people currently embarking on a suicide mission.

&quotI swear this went better the six times before I took off the robe.&quot
edited by Mr. Tiger on 8/17/2016
edited by Mr. Tiger on 8/17/2016
edited by Mr. Tiger on 8/17/2016

“Pleasure to meet you Bentley and Goaty McGoatface.” Dirae Erinyes laughs at the bellow of anger. “I’m Dirae Erinyes.”
OOC:you can find Dirae Erinyes description in the Character apperances thread.

Having set his things down in one of the ship’s quarters, the Dean returns abovedecks.
“I second that notion. Goats make excellent travelling companions I’ve found.”

Gregory gives a long, flat stare to the new comer.

&quotRight.&quot Gregory seems unconvinced, but not entirely sure what about. &quotWell, I have no problem taking you aboard, the more people that come aboard the more people there are to put between my crew and the tree. With that said, I suppose this is as good a place as any to lay down ground rules. Firstly: You will Keep that goatdemon-&quot Gregory guestures at Goaty with his bone, &quotFront and center at all times. If I happen to find that creature unsupervised, and to clarify, if I find it, literally even so much as once, unsupervised, I’ll be testing how well it floats on waves.&quot

Gregory continues talking as he moves over and starts cranking a wheel on the side of the room.

&quotSecondly, now this will not be enacted retroactively, fear not, but I should like for you each to refrain from all use of the colours Irrigo, Virric and Gant aboard the ship, they lead to nothing but trouble out at zee.&quot

Gregory, having finised cranking the crank, unscrews a pipe end, pulls a jar from his coat, and pours the jars contents into the pipe, before putting the pipe end back on.

&quotThirdly, from this point forward, we will not be taking on additional crew members until we make port at our first destination. Stowaways will be dealt with severely.&quot

A shaking is heard from the vents, vigorous at first, but eventually slows to a stop. Gregory waits, pulls out a pocket watch, holds his hand up for a moment, then puts the watch away again, and starts uncranking the crank.

&quotRule four; any and all violence against fellow crew is expressly forbidden. I dont care for the reason, I dont wanna see fighting on this ship until we’re fighting something that needs to be fought.&quot

Getting up, and dusting his hands, Gregory looks up with a contented smile.

&quotRule five and onwards are generally considered to either be previously accepted rules of society, such as no stealing, no damaging of other properties, etcetera, or at the very least, to be accepted as rules of polite company, such as ‘Dont defecate on the floor, or you will be thrown off the boat’ &quot

Gregory chuckles at the thought, but follows up with another, &quotOne last rule I feel needs mention; If you cannot sleep, do not sleep, if you cannot wake, do not wake up and if you see Pelegin, stay away from the railing.&quot Even as Gregory says this last set of rules, they sound less like rules, more like warnings.

&quotNow then, with that out of the way, I will share with you our first destination; We shall head firstly to Abbey Rock, the sisters and I have some busines to conclude, business that will be crucial to this hunt. If any of you are looking to get beaten mercilessly into a bloody pulp, you will not likely find a better oppotunity that when we arrive. Once we are done there, we head to the salt lions, at which point I will require one of you to jump off a cliff…not suicidally of course, but certainly dangerously. It is up to each of you to decide who gets to do that. Once we are done there, we head to Mt Palmerston, past that I shall keep to myself for now.&quot

Back at the wheel, Gregory continues steering the ship, now apparently content with the information he has given. &quotThat will be all for now, if you have any questions I will answer what I can, otherwise, make yourselves at home and keep yourselves busy.&quot

The Dean shifts nervously, “Abbey Rock you say? I think I’ll stay belowdecks when we arrive. I have heard rumour of an old ‘acquaintence’ staying amongst the Nuns. However, I am quite interested in this cliff jumping you mentioned. You’ll have to tell me more about it over breakfast. That reminds me, once these pleasantries are taken care of, shall we break for coffee?”