Heists no longer hard-reset Casing

Seems back! And with the previously missing success statements too!

It seems that both side of a social action result are now displayed to both participants

At the moment, failing an action when using a second chance always crashes the game.

[quote=Fluby]It seems that both side of a social action result are now displayed to both participants
Has anyone tested if it shows the results accurate to you- i.e. if it says 1x starvling cat that’s your cat count- or if it shows the half that’s not yours accurate to them- i.e. if it says 1x starvling cat, they had 2 and sent you one?

I am not sure if this is related to the UI change or not but I played a branch in Heart’s Desire that sends you to find the Observer of Falsehoods. It teleported me to FQ without the “you have moved to a new area” message.

Has anyone tried moving areas recently and observed something similiar?

Another bug report: For things that cannot go above a certain value (like stats and favors), it will incorrectly tell you that the quality has not increased when you reach the cap.

IE, if you have 6 favors and gain a 7th, the results will say “this quality cannot go above 7”. You still get the 7th favor.

[quote=Kaijyuu]Another bug report: For things that cannot go above a certain value (like stats and favors), it will incorrectly tell you that the quality has not increased when you reach the cap.

IE, if you have 6 favors and gain a 7th, the results will say &quotthis quality cannot go above 7&quot. You still get the 7th favor.[/quote]

Ah ha! Yes, I thought I saw that behavior on Favours (polite invitation, Rubbery gain) but I wasn’t 100% sure so I didn’t report it.

Arg. Casing is again reset when you go into a Heist - I lost 12 Levels worth this morning.

I’m not really impressed by this recent fad of implementing half-assed UI changes on Friday afternoons, leaving the player-base to sort out the mess over the weekend…

Also, am I the only one not really seeing any reason to fiddle around with the UI in the first place? What happened to “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it”?

[i]A twist in your story! You now have A Forum Rant.
Righteous Indignation shows your progress in this venture.
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[quote=phryne]I’m not really impressed by this recent fad of implementing half-assed UI changes on Friday afternoons, leaving the player-base to sort out the mess over the weekend…

Also, am I the only one not really seeing any reason to fiddle around with the UI in the first place? What happened to &quotif it’s not broken, don’t fix it&quot?

A twist in your story! You now have A Forum Rant.
Righteous Indignation shows your progress in this venture.
Grumpy is decreasing…
I can see a few points where it is, in fact, broken… but they aren’t fixing most of those properly. I’d like to know what my new CP level is when I go up or down more than one level, for instance.

You have failed a Rebuttal challenge.
Foolishness is increasing…

It doesn’t seem to be an intentional change if you ask me - considering the timing, FBG had its hand full with doling out Zubmariner DLC keys for people who are missing access and Hallowmas on the horizon. And before that happened, someone mentioned that they encountered the whole &quotSorry but you must be an Exceptional Friend to visit your Lodgings&quot bug so it seems to be closer to the server blowing up.

Especially if you look at the weird results for social actions - no amount of revamp ideas would lead them to decide &quotlet’s shove in the results of the other side as well&quot.

[quote=genesis]I am not sure if this is related to the UI change or not but I played a branch in Heart’s Desire that sends you to find the Observer of Falsehoods. It teleported me to FQ without the &quotyou have moved to a new area&quot message.

Has anyone tried moving areas recently and observed something similiar?[/quote]
I didn’t get the &quotYour actions have refreshed!&quot message for succeeding on the fate-locked Aunt card, just the luck success line. I suspect it’s not properly displaying anything that doesn’t have an associated quality change. Qualities sometimes not being shown when they get zeroed might be related as well.

This is happening to me, too.

I didn’t get the &quotYour actions have refreshed!&quot message for succeeding on the fate-locked Aunt card, just the luck success line. I suspect it’s not properly displaying anything that doesn’t have an associated quality change. Qualities sometimes not being shown when they get zeroed might be related as well.[/quote]

Indeed. I have checked a few other location moved and none of them are displayed anymore.

ETA: But the Aunt’s action refresh does show now
edited by genesis on 10/24/2016